Gas work

Revision of gas boilers, wiring and connections belong to a large group of gas works. Furthermore, it is possible to use the adjustment of the gas boiler and space heaters, search of gas leaks and their prevention, the installation of gas systems or the revision of the gas equipment.

František Dacík

Assembly including delivery of materials, repairs: - domestic and industrial plumbing work - Plumbing, plumbing, water installation (sewage, water supply, fixtures) - TOPO, heating, heating, heating installation (central heating) - GAS works, gas industry, gas installation (pipeline) Work : - welding and piping with a state exam. - installation of steel, copper,…

Zdeněk Dorňák

Práce, montáž, instalace: -domovní: -topenářské, topenářství, topo, topení -vodoinstalatérské, vodoinstalační -plynařské, plynu, plynoinstalace. Dodávka, montáž: -tepelná čerpadla -solární kolektory -automatické kotle -plynové kotle -kotle na tuhá paliva -otopné systémy: -radiátory, podlahové topení.

Vodo topo plyn Chrastina

The company Richard Chrastina performs all plumbing and gas installations - plumbing, heating and gas works in the Zlín region, Vsetín-Zlín region. In the field of plumbing work, we implement new water distribution and waste for family houses, apartment, panel houses and industrial buildings and perform their reconstruction. Water distribution from all available materials. We provide…

INPRO-TOP s.r.o.

Work: -house and industrial distribution, including the supply of material: -WATERinstallation -TOPO, heating -central vacuum cleaners -boiler rooms up to 50 and over 50kw -distributions of technical gases.

Sandtner s.r.o.

Revision, service: - gas boilers - water heaters. Assembly: - gas equipment, boilers. Work: -electrical, electrical installations. Revision, correction: -electric devices including lightning conductors -electric appliances (appliances) -electric hand tools -electric equipment of working machines.

Petr Rapant

Construction company RAPANT Construction, construction, reconstruction, demolition, removal: - family houses and houses, family houses and houses - industrial structures and buildings. Complex construction work: - rough constructions -reconstruction, rebuilding: - housing cores, housing cores -attic -bathrooms, bathrooms -installation of plasterboards, plasterboards,…

SEA Zlín s.r.o.

SEA Zlín Ltd. is engaged in the production of boilers and reconstruction of boiler rooms - comprehensive delivery, installation and servicing. As a Zlín company with long-term experience, we are engaged in the reconstruction of boiler rooms, including the supply and installation of pressure equipment, gas distribution and gas pipelines. We are certified boilers specialists: - Steam …


Dodávka, montáže, instalace: -ústředního topení -podlahového vytápění -vody, plynu -solárních kolektorů -kotle, radiátory -koupelnové vybavení. Práce VODO TOPO PLYN: -vodoinstalatérské, vodoinstalační -topenářské, topenářství -plynařské, plynařství. Rekonstrukce koupelen. Zajištění projektové dokumentace.


Montáže, instalace, opravy, revize: -ústředního, podlahového a solárního vytápění, kolektory, fotovoltaika -rozvody vnitřní a venkovní vodoinstalace a kanalizace -plynu -centrální vysavače -tepelná čerpadla.