Revision of gas boilers, wiring and connections belong to a large group of gas works. Furthermore, it is possible to use the adjustment of the gas boiler and space heaters, search of gas leaks and their prevention, the installation of gas systems or the revision of the gas equipment.

Work: - gas installation - heating - plumbing

Construction, alteration and removal - Mediation of business and services -Wholesale and retail -Providing services for the family and household

Gas service. Sales, assembly, service, project, revision: - gas appliances

Work: - plumbing - heating - gas installation - water-heating-gas

Heating, water, gas. Assembly, service, repairs: - electro Work: -installation of gas distribution including the project and revisions -central heating -installation of BAXI, IMMERGAS boilers - installation of plastic and copper water distribution systems

Work: - plumbing - heating - gas installation -locksmithery Retail, sales, e-shop: - plumbing material - heating material

Activity: - assembly, repair, revision of reserved gas equipment - revision of dedicated pressure equipment

Heating technology service Chalupný a son. Repair, service, installation, delivery: - natural gas (also propane-butane), water, heating - daily service (dispatch) Mon - Fri: 8 am - 4 pm. - emergency service for gas appliances - service line, mobile: 603208590. Repairs, including replacement of parts, warranty and post-warranty ...

Work: - plumbing - heating - gas installation EMERGENCY SERVICE +420 602 414 986

Services, crafts: - plumbing - heating - gas company - Water, Topo, Gas

Work, crafts: - plumbing - heating - gas company - masonry - tiling

Water heat gas - plumbing work - heating works - gas works - electrical installation. Sales, assembly, revision - boilers, heating devices - heat pumps - lightning rods.

Assembly, repairs, maintenance, projection, service: - domestic gas appliances - industrial gas pipelines and boiler rooms - gas installation - heating industry -joinery -installation of UT and health technology - plumbing -engineering activity of land structures -electrical installation, control technology in heating -air ...

Sales, assembly, repair, service: - gas appliances

We carry out reconstruction of buildings: - residential cores - gas pipeline - water supply - sewerage - heating. Services: - housing stock maintenance - reconstruction of buildings - panel, apartment buildings. - replacement of rising and lying pipelines - heating replacements - supplies of furnishings - supplies of ...

Services: - real estate management - plumbing - distribution of heat, gas

Deliveries, assembly, projection, service: -water -gas -heating.

Sales, assembly, service: -heating, heat pumps -solar heating- pools and massage tubs - installation of underfloor heating -plumbing work - indoor and outdoor pools -bathrooms - hot tubs -ponds, irrigation.

Plumbing and heating Sales, assembly, service: - gas appliances - THE SEA - VAILLANT - DISTILLED -cast iron boilers LINEA AMICA -gas heaters.

Bathroom studio, wholesale, retail, e-shop - tiling, paving - sanitary ceramics - bathroom equipment - plumbing supplies, material - heating supplies, material - boilers, stoves, fittings. Water, heat, gas - plumbing work - heating works - gas works, revisions - lining of chimneys.

Installation of heating systems: -transfer station -block boiler rooms - floor heating. Delivery and installation: - ductless pre-insulated pipeline systems - heat distribution of the WEHOTHERM system. Sales and assembly: - gas wall boilers VAILLANT, THERM, DAKON, PROTHERM, JUNKERS, VIESMANN -stationary boilers -cast iron ...

Heating industry - distribution of water, central heating, gas, sewerage - solar systems - reconstruction and construction of exchange stations - rebuilding of housing cores, reconstruction of bathrooms - masonry and tiling works - construction of chimneys, lining of chimneys - construction of fireplaces.

Repairs: -public lighting -communication -electrical devices - gas appliances. Construction: -gas pipelines including projection. Buildings: - engineering -industrially. Plumbing: - gas, electricity. Cutting concrete and asphalt surfaces up to 22 cm. Rental of assembly platforms. Sale: -technical gases -elements of garden ...

Chimney and gas industry. Repairs, revisions, assembly - gas appliances - gas boilers - electrical equipment. Chimney work - lining of chimneys, inspection, cleaning. Heating works - heating distribution systems.