Revision of gas boilers, wiring and connections belong to a large group of gas works. Furthermore, it is possible to use the adjustment of the gas boiler and space heaters, search of gas leaks and their prevention, the installation of gas systems or the revision of the gas equipment.

Work: - plumbing - heating Sale: - stoves

Craftsmanship: - all plumbing and heating - breakdowns, assembly, minor repairs and reconstruction - gas installation - plumbing. Non-stop water, heating, gas and waste service. Reconstruction: - bathrooms (including costing).

Gas installation work. Heating works. Authorized Service: - gas appliances. Cleaning: - sewerage. Plumbing work.

Plumbing MaNo - water, heating, gas - plumbing work - heating works - gas works - renovation of bathrooms.

Service, repair of gas appliances up to 50 kW: - boiler - instantaneous water heaters - storage water heaters - heaters - stoves

Comprehensive services from project to after implementation: - heating of family houses and apartment units - heating of industrial buildings - floor heating - boiler rooms up to 50 kW and above 50 kW - air conditioning and cooling piping - pipe industrial insulation - distribution of hot and cold service water and sewerage - ...

Work: - gas company - gas revision - heating - plumbing Repair, service: - gas appliances

Water - heating - gas. Plumbing work. Sewer repairs and cleaning. Heating works. Non Stop emergency service.

Projection: - gas pipelines - plumbing - heating

Activity: - locksmithery - installation and repair of gas equipment Production, assembly, repair, service: - pressure devices, containers

Work, projection: - plumbing - heating - gas company - renovation of bathrooms Sale: - plumbing material - heating material

Work: - plumbing - heating - gas company Supply and installation of Elektrolux central vacuum cleaners.

We carry out complete plumbing and heating works. Furthermore, installation of heat pumps, solar systems or production of plastic tanks.

Work: - reconstruction of interiors -masonry - plumbing - heating - gas industry -electrical installation -flooring - tiling and paving.

Sales, assembly, service of JUNKERS brand appliances. Consulting in the field of heating, gas. Gas installation work. Heating works. Exchange: - boiler - authorized Junkers service - JUNKERS appliances.

Work: - masonry - carpentry - carpentry - plumbing - heating - flooring - painting - painting - electrical - roofing - locksmith - plumbing - gas company - assembly - commercial - glazing of loggias.

Activity: - heating works - gas works - recuperation - electrical installation

Work: - heating, air conditioning, air conditioning - gas, water and sewage distribution - engineering activity..

Services: - forklift service - technical controls -VZV driver training -revision of gas equipment

Work: - gas company - heating - plumbing

Production: - switchgear Work, crafts: - electrical installation - plumbing - gas company Sale: - plumbing and heating material

Services: - comprehensive services in the field of occupational safety and fire protection - electrorevision - revision of lightning rods - revision of gas equipment - revision of lifting devices - revision of pressure equipment Work: - locksmith

Work, crafts: - gas company - heating - plumbing

Crafts, services: - heating - gas company - plumbing - electrical - reconstruction of housing units, family houses, apartments