Flooring work

Floor laying and covering, gluing and laying of carpets, repair of floors, slats and parquet, implementation of special types of floors – anhydridových or cast concrete and renovation floors– all this and much more ensure a professional flooring work.

Avatar group, s.r.o.

The sale and laying of floor coverings is handled by Avatar group, s.r.o. In our assortment you can find laminate floors, wooden floors, linoleum, carpets, PVC floors and also floor chemistry and accessories. We have been on the market since 1998 and are constantly trying to follow new technologies and use them in practice. You can find us at Cihelní 95, Ostrava. Sale, laying, assembly,…

TANI SERVIS s.r.o. - Elektromontáže v obchodech Olomouc

Electrical installation work in the area of low-current and high-current installations and dry construction is performed by the company TANI SERVIS s.r.o. We focus on the supply and installation of LV switchboards, camera systems, sound systems for 100V stores, payment terminals, telephones and cash register systems. As part of our construction activities, we provide dry construction,…

REVYKO INTER, spol. s r.o. - Realizace výstavních expozic a interiérů

The company REVYKO INTER, spol. s r.o. focuses on the design, design and implementation of exhibition stands and interiors. We manufacture showcases and exhibition stands. We design multi-purpose showcases for variable placement and modular systems with unlimited shape flexibility in high quality and first-class design. For advertising and exhibition purposes, we supply modern cable suspension…

LB stav s.r.o. - stavební firma

We are a construction company with a long tradition. We implement all types of orders in the field of construction. We realize the construction of family houses on a turnkey basis, just as we carry out the reconstruction of buildings, we have also realized projects outside the Czech Republic, specifically in Great Britain or Germany. We also insulate the facades of all types of buildings.…

Hilbert Interiéry s.r.o.

Company Hilbert Interiéry s.r.o. focuses on the production of furniture and equipment for schools, offices, business premises and homes. We specialize in interior design for schools, offices, houses and apartments. We realize atypical furniture production, we supply office and school furniture. It also offers complete construction activities including reconstruction of apartments, companies or…

FP Frispo, s.r.o. - Rekonstrukce kanceláří a open space

Společnost FP Frispo, s.r.o. je dynamická firma, která se specializuje na komplexní řešení v oblasti rekonstrukcí, adaptací a modernizace různých prostor. Ať už se jedná o kanceláře, open space, bytové či nebytové prostory. Rekonstrukce kanceláří a open space jsou prováděny s důrazem na moderní design, funkčnost a efektivní využití prostoru. FP Frispo, s.r.o. přistupuje k těmto projektům s…

Rekra, s.r.o.

The company Rekra, s.r.o. offers company cleaning, mechanical cleaning of warehouses, garages, workshops. Regular or one-off cleaning of offices, doctor's offices, car showrooms, hotels, boarding houses, non-residential premises of panel houses. We also clean family houses and apartments. We will provide you with interior, regular and general cleaning, washing of windows and blinds, cleaning…

JS-trade - Jiří Souček

JS-trade - Profesionální řešení pro vaše podlahy a dveře JS-trade je firma, která se zabývá prodejem a montáží vinylových podlah, vinylových schodů, betonových schodů, interiérových dveří a kování. Nabízí široký výběr kvalitních a moderních produktů od renomovaných výrobců. Vinylové podlahy jsou ideální volbou pro každý interiér, protože jsou odolné, snadno se udržují, mají vysokou…

JUPEKO - Julius Trča

The company JUPEKO - Julius Trča deals with the sale and installation of all floor coverings. We offer sales and installation of multilayer, cork, laminate and vinyl and PVC floors. You can also buy Bostik and Loba construction chemicals, maintenance and floor cleaners from us. You will find our floor studio in České Budějovice. Retail, sale, assembly, installation: - laminate floors -…

Miroslav Dočekal - Epoxidové podlahy

The company Miroslav Dočekal deals with the realization of epoxy floors, which are characterized by high resistance and durability. The floors are particularly suitable for highly stressed areas of production halls, garages, storage rooms, they are also used in residential construction in corridors, kitchens and bathrooms. In addition to these floors, we also offer anti-slip, anti-static,…

Podlahářství Petrlík

The company Ing. Richard Petrlík has been laying flooring for over 20 years and therefore has extensive experience in laying all types of floor coverings. We mainly focus on laying coverings for end customers, both apartments and family houses, and to a lesser extent also commercial projects. In 2008, we opened a floor covering sample room, where the customer can comfortably choose and consult…

Podlahy Martin Slanina

The company Martin Slanina deals with the sale and installation of floor coverings, sales and installation of blinds, minor construction work. We also provide hourly husband services - repairs and small crafts in the household. We supply and install floor coverings such as floating wood or laminate floors, PVC and vinyl floors, linoleum, marble, cork and carpets. We will be happy to advise you…


Podlahy Plzeň - PARKETCENTRUM s.r.o. is a flooring center offering a wide range of floors, interior doors and services. We have been operating on the flooring market in Pilsen and the Pilsen region since 1994. We sell parquet and Bona wood surface treatment products and at the same time install and renovate wooden floors. We offer a complete range of floor coverings and interior doors.…

Operace Progres s.r.o. - stavebnictví

Our company is dedicated to providing services in the field of construction. We are able to offer our customers comprehensive construction work. Specifically, we perform construction and reconstruction of houses and housing units. We also deal with the implementation of plasterboard structures. Our services also include handicrafts. We provide tiling and paving, wooden floors, carpentry…

MS BETON s.r.o.

MS BETON s.r.o. has many years of experience in the field of concrete floor realization. These floors are suitable for garages, bathrooms, balconies and industrial premises. And our company carries out 120,000 - 150,000 square meters of flooring area per year using machine-polished concrete screeds. Concrete floors are up to 30% cheaper than anhydrite floors and can also be laid down a slope, eg…


MARPA DESIGN je dynamická firma se sídlem v Mladé Boleslavi, která se specializuje na interiérový a exteriérový design. Snažíme se vytvářet útulné a pohodlné domovy, které odpovídají představám, potřebám a snům našich klientů, od návrhu až po realizaci. Naše služby zahrnují komplexní návrh interiéru domu či bytu, od počáteční koncepce přes výběr materiálů až po finální realizaci. Součástí naší…

Truhlářství Pohoda - Václav Sommer

Joinery Pohoda focuses on custom-made furniture. We realize kitchens, built-in wardrobes and furniture made of laminate, solid wood and exotic wood species. We also focus on the production of doors, windows, replica windows or antique furniture. From solid wood we produce interior and exterior furniture and stairs. Joinery, production, assembly:  - custom furniture  - kitchens, kitchens  -…

Mykola Meleshko - NIKOSTAV

Provádíme kompletní rekonstrukce bytů, domů a komerční prostory. Jsme pro Vás schopni zajistit rekonstrukce „na klíč“, tedy od začátku do konce, bez dalších starostí pro Vás. Proč s námi: - Jsme spolehlivá a zodpovědná firma - Na trhu jsme přes 10 let - Zajistíme dovoz a nákup stavebních materiálu - Naše služby děláme rychlé a kvalitně, na kvalitě nám záleží - Vždy zohledňujeme…

VK facility home s.r.o.

Hledáte profesionálního partnera pro elektromontáže? VK Facility Home s.r.o. je tady pro vás! Naše firma se specializuje na domovní i bytové elektroinstalace, a to s precizností a zkušenostmi, kterým můžete důvěřovat. Nabízíme kvalitní elektromontáže pro vaše domovy a byty, elektroinstalace pro vaše průmyslové budovy, opravy a revize elektroinstalací. Montujeme hromosvody, které vám poskytnou…