Chimney sweep work

Chimney sweeping work are necessary for maintaining the good condition of the chimneys. Include the revision of the flue gas paths, their cleaning and overall inspection of chimneys. More extensive services include technical designs of chimneys, reconstruction of the vents, lining and assembly systems.

FREVLOKO, s.r.o.

Production, assembly: -certified KLASIK chimney systems Chimney service: -inserting chimneys -milling of chimneys - authorized measurement of emissions - checks and cleaning of chimneys - drafts of flue gas routes -revisions and reviews - opinions of a forensic expert. Sale: -Air Products technical gases.

OCELMAT s.r.o.

Chimney assembly and construction. -reconstruction of existing chimneys and flues -chimney lining for atmospheric, condensing and turbo appliances -chimney milling- cutter with hydraulic drive -comprehensive flue gas solution for all types of fuel appliances - connection of appliances - fireplace inserts, stoves, tiled stoves, boilers for gaseous (atmospheric, condensing, turbo), liquid and…

Kominictví Adam Šebesta

Kominictví, čištění komínů, komíny, kolaudace, revize i vložkování, frézovaní, oprava a montáže fasádních komínů. Služby: -vložkování komínů -frézování dehtu z komínového průchodu -montáže vícevrstvých kovových komínů na krby i plyn -pravidelná údržba komínů a spalinových cest dle vyhl. 111/81 Sb. ČSN 734201-08 -osvědčení o stavu komínů -opravy komínů a kouřovodů -revize…


Services for -company -c citizens -municipal and city authorities -housing associations 1 / Chimney cleaning + inspection of the entire flue gas path and issuance of a Certificate on the condition of the flue gas path (Government Decree No. 91/2010) 2 / insertion and milling 3 / inspection of the flue gas path with an inspection camera 4 / check the chimney draft with the device 5 /…