The drugstore offers a wide range of decorative cosmetics such as makeup, mascara, powders. Further, the hair cosmetics such as shampoos or conditioners, or dry goods, among which include creams, cosmetic products, hygiene products or cleaning products.

Specialist in technical hemp products. Production, sales - hemp building insulation - clay building elements, mortars and paints - wooden shingles and other building elements - hemp food and beverages - cannabis medicines - hemp cosmetics and drugstores - hemp textiles and footwear - hemp utility items.

E-shop: - mouthwashes - dental, interdental, electric brushes - interdental care.

Retail, sales: -foodstuffs -grocery store.

Retail, sales: -drugstore -paints, chemicals, sprays, sprinklers - canning lids -canning heads -preservatives - pool chemicals - garden supplies -cosmetics.

Retail, sales, e-shop: - Bach essences

Market Flop Bernartice has been a franchisee of Flop Jih s. r. o. since 2002. We value our customers very much and offer not only a wide range of goods (groceries, drugstores, consumer goods, animal feed...) including regular promotional offers at discounted prices, but also during the year special promotions as a reward for loyalty. We ...

Sale: - hemp cosmetics - hemp food and drink - smoking supplies - clothes and accessories - gifts with cannabis.