Sale of silver jewelry from Czech manufacturers, new gold and silver wedding rings to order.

Moravia Drink Cultivation of vines, vineyards. Winery, production, sale of wine, wine, wine, winemaker Red, white wine. Production, sale: - bottled wines, wine -table wine - stamp wines - quality wine - varietal wine - quality variety-exclusive, - archive wine with an attribute -shampoo-sparkling drink - champagne-sparkling ...

Production, processing and canning: -meat, meat from large farm animals. Butcher shop, sausage shop. Production, sale: - sausages.

Delicacies, sale of delicacies. Production-cold kitchen - covered bowl, aspic delicacies, appetizers, vegetable salads, mayonnaise salads, sandwich sandwiches, sandwich breads, snacks, sandwich baguettes and buns toasts, appetizers, canapés, other delicacies. Pastries: -wedding cakes, Moravian cakes, apple strudels, fruit strudels made ...

Services, production, sales: Kobylské vinařství Čačík: -viticulture -wine -wine cellar -accommodations -tasting.

Wine cellar "U dědy" Viticulture: -sale of wines, bottled wine -Tasting with a sommelier -wine cellar for up to 50 people. -live music to order -cold kitchen, warm kitchen- according to order -outdoor seating. Year-round accommodation, for up to 22 beds. Tourist hostel above the cellar, common soc. device.

Production, sale, wholesale, supply of home shoes, children's home shoes. Production of home and light walking shoes with a shaped insole. Children's leather boots. Children's home and walking shoes in size groups 0, 1, 2, 3, 3/4, 4 and 6 in a low, ankle design (0, 1, 2) and groups 0 and 1 also as sandals. Home shoes for adults: -closed ...