Tyres / tires and inner tubes

Manufacture and sale of tire and tube for motorcycles, cars, freight vehicles, work machines, or bicycles and other transport or other means of offers a wide selection of various variations, dimensions and destination. Feel free to use and a large range of centers.

Petr Tirala

Tire service - repairs, gluing, replacement, disassembly and assembly of tires - tire storage Car service, express service Sale - spare car parts, car accessories - all tire brands - electrons and disks

Jaroslav Sekal

Prodej - použité díly na vozy FORD TRANSIT - havarované užitkové vozy FORT TRANSIT Prodej - náhradní díly pro užitkové vozy FORD - motory, startery, spínače, alternátory, karosářské díly, dveře, blatníky, nápravy, převodovky, kola Prodej - pneumatiky Autovrakoviště