In brick and mortar stores and online stores can be purchased consumer goods sorted into the categories of textile, stationery, books, cosmetics, drugstore, pet supplies, food, toys, painting supplies, gardening supplies and many more.

-Purchase of goods for the purpose of their resale and sale, except for the activities listed in annex. l-3 of Act No. 455/91 Coll. -Intermediary activities in the field of culture

-Wholesale and retail - Provision of technical services

-Pawn business and retail of used goods - Real estate activity, management and maintenance of properties -Wholesale and retail

Assembly, repairs, revisions and tests of gas equipment and filling of containers with gases Production, installation, repair of electrical machines and devices, electronic and telecommunications equipment -Purchase of goods for the purpose of resale and sale -Property management and maintenance - Provision of technical services -Production ...

Sales and retail - DANIELLE cosmetic mirrors

Delivery - small household appliances, electric kettles, toasters Delivery - accessories for the kitchen

Business activity Intermediation of trade and services