In brick and mortar stores and online stores can be purchased consumer goods sorted into the categories of textile, stationery, books, cosmetics, drugstore, pet supplies, food, toys, painting supplies, gardening supplies and many more.

Services: - investment in commercial real estate throughout the Czech Republic.

Distribution: - medicinal products Services: - active sales support by own teams of pharmaceutical representatives - consultation and analysis of markets

Activity: - sales representative of the insurance company Allianz

Sale - gram tips, gram blocks - gram needles, gram carriers - connectors and cables - LED strips and sources.

Online store, e-shop: - music CD - DVD.

Services: - car service - car paint shop

Sales, assembly: - lightning rod material - lightning rods

Sales, rental, repair, service: - skis - snowboard equipment

Services: - advertisement - PR - organization of corporate and social events - catering

Services: - diagnostics of buildings - Issuance of an energy efficiency certificate and building energy labels - energy assessments

Sale: - product for weight loss and fat loss

E-shop: - women's and men's clothing - bags, handbags - a hat

Services: - online catalog of goods for manufacturers and sellers

Services: - management of networks, servers - creation of websites, databases - software audit

Sale: - pumps and accessories for pumping and sanitation

Machines for pharmaceutical companies.

Services: - advertising activity - logo designs - graphic processing and creation of promotional materials - printing

Services: - creation of web applications - design of logos, stamps, business cards, advertising brochures - management of computer networks

Services: - help in reducing the operating costs of restaurants, bars, boarding houses

Activity: - professional services to support small and medium-sized businesses - marketing

-Wholesale and retail -Translation and interpretation activities - Running a travel agency and guiding activity in the field of tourism