In brick and mortar stores and online stores can be purchased consumer goods sorted into the categories of textile, stationery, books, cosmetics, drugstore, pet supplies, food, toys, painting supplies, gardening supplies and many more.

Construction, alteration and removal Locksmithing, tool making - Mediation of services -Carpentry, flooring

-Manufacture of electronic components, electrical equipment and manufacture and repair of electrical machinery, apparatus and electronic equipment operating at low voltage -Advisory and consulting activities, elaboration of professional studies and assessments -Surface treatment and welding of metals and other materials -Manufacture of ...

- Provision of software, consulting in the field of information technology, data processing, hosting and related activities and web portals -Advisory and consulting activities, processing of professional studies and assessments -Services in the field of administrative administration and services of an organizational and economic ...

-Diagnostic, testing and advisory services in plant protection and treatment of plants, plant products, objects and soil against harmful organisms with plant protection products or biocidal products -Provision of services for agriculture, horticulture, pond farming, forestry and hunting -Mediation of trade and services -Wholesale and retail ...