In brick and mortar stores and online stores can be purchased consumer goods sorted into the categories of textile, stationery, books, cosmetics, drugstore, pet supplies, food, toys, painting supplies, gardening supplies and many more.

-Specialized retail - Mediation of business and services

E-shop, car stereos, audio and video technology, electrical appliances, cameras, dishes, car radios, dishes.

interruption: from: 25.1.2013. General merchandise retail.

Sales, e-shop, e-shop: - movies, gift wrapping, DVDs, drugstores, used books, consignment goods, sports scarves, for children...

Services: - umbrella repairs. -sharpening of knives, scissors.

Distribution and mail order: - CDs and LPs - Record label. Sale: - tickets for cultural events.

Sale - stoves, furniture. Eshop-tools and tools, pet supplies, toys, abrasives, furniture, stoves, dustbins, gardening equipment Sales - dustbins, rental - tools and instruments, construction work, sale of abrasives. Sales and service - tools and instruments, toys, gardening equipment.

Sale - audio and video technology, televisions, video recorders, portable audio systems Sales - refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, freezers, built-in appliances, hoods, microwave ovens, irons, mixers, vacuum cleaners, robots, kettles, coffee makers, shavers, hair dryers. Sales - direct heaters, mobile phones, household items, ...

If you don't want to, please send an e-mail. TYPOGRAPHY (DTP) AND TYPOGRAPHY, including foreign language texts and special passages (mathematics, chemistry, ...); prepress preparation, graphic designs; database publishing; cooperation with a translation company. PRODUCTION OF PUBLICATIONS: leaflets, magazines, brochures, books, printed ...