Soft drinks

Mineral water, energy drinks, non-alcoholic beer, coffee, tea, instant drinks, syrups, sodas, fruit juice and juices – all of this falls into the category of soft drinks, which you must not miss in any restaurant menu, pub, shop and supermarket.

Soare sekt a.s.

The Soare wine group offers you a complete wine range, which is expanded every year based on market and customer requirements. Deliveries, sales: -wines, sparkling wines -sparkling wines - sparkling alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and vermouths produced by the company Soare sekt a.s. and Víno Valtice s.r.o. All these lines and distribution are provided by the Soare sekt a.s. business…


Export, import of beverages. The range of offered mineral water products: -Perrier - Vittel -Contrex All of these natural mineral waters represent high quality and guarantee full consumer satisfaction. Our own distribution network ensures the distribution of goods to: -gastronomic and sports device -wholesale stores -a small amount of shops -supermarkets in Prague. The…

Pfanner, spol.s r.o.

Dovoz a distributce: - potravinářské zboží. Zastoupení značek pro ČR: - PFANNER pro-džusy, šťávy, nektary, ledové čaje - HORRLEIN - křeny, česneky, kořenící přípravky - SZOBI - džusy, štávy, nápoje - WINSENIA a WILDE - oříškové a kakaové pomazánky - CARAPELLI - olivový olej - ASSUGRIN - nízkokalorická sladidla - MILFORD - čaje - KEITH SPICER - čaje (černé, zelené) (kminové…

MACHEK, s.r.o.

Wholesale: food - a large assortment -food products and logistics security. - canned vegetables and fruit, coffee, beer, wine, other alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as additional assortment. We are mainly focused on export and re-export to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. We also deliver goods to duty free zones and for airlines. We cooperate with leading food…

TVIN, a.s.

Velkoobchod-dovoz i tuzemsko: - nápoje - vína - lihoviny - nealko-juice, limonády, minerální a stolní vody, sirupy, ovocné a zeleninové šťávy - káva, čaj - hygienicky balený cukr - energetické nápoje.