Dietary, diabetic foods and food supplements

Dietary supplements can ease the way to the goal. This category includes tea for weight loss, vitamins, probiotics, fiber, healthy sweeteners, goji, dietary fiber and much more. Most of these products is suitable for diabetics thanks to its low sugar content.

RosenPharma, a.s.

The company RosenPharma, a.s. is a purely Czech company that has been dealing with the technology of producing tablet forms and the production of food supplements for more than fourteen years. As part of a contractual partnership, it manufactures and supplies medicines and food supplements to the Czech market.

Ing. Marie Chalupová

The supplier NATUR APATYKA s.r.o. For more than 10 years, it has been developing and manufacturing products with beta glucan, which help strengthen the defenses of children and adults. Counseling - detection of all causal links related to health problems - targeted strengthening of the immune system - regeneration of damaged organs - cleansing the body of harmful…

Suricate eyes s.r.o.

Prodej: - produkty určené k prevenci a zmírnění stavů kocoviny předchází obtížím po konzumaci alkoholických nápojů, přispívá k ochraně jater před negativními účinky alkoholu a napomáhá ke zvýšení aktivity jaterních enzymů ADH a ALDH, které se podílí na odbourávání alkoholu v játrech.