From the rich range of dairy products, such as fresh and long-life milk, fruit and white yogurt, butter, hard or soft cheeses, low-fat cream, delicate and classic curds, whipped cream, and chooses absolutely everyone. Quality products from vendors and manufacturers.

Unity. Sales, retail: - food - grocery store.

Production of dairy products. We offer: - semi-skimmed milk - whipping cream - fresh semi-skimmed milk (PET) - white yogurt - vanilla and cocoa laksymáček - spread butter - whipped buttermilk - sour cream - sourness - fresh butter.

Madeta Central Dairy Production Laboratory. Provision of results on the presence of RIL in milk on request.

Services: - purchase, evaluation and collection of raw materials cow's milk.

Production and sale of milk and milk products Madeta. We are preparing for you: - milk and cream - yogurts, cottage cheeses - desserts - acidic drinks - natural and white cheeses - cheese specialties - processed and mold cheeses. - butters and fat.