In the kitchen cannot do without flour, sugar and healthy fats. Get your therefore, the stocks of icing sugar and crystal sugar, smooth, polohrubou and coarse flour of wheat, spelt, or whole wheat, and the fats in the form of margarines, butter and vegetable and animal oils.

Sale - pastries - durable foods - frozen goods - sweets - drinks - tobacco products

Beekeeping, sale: - beekeeping supplies, aids - beekeeping products, honey, mead, cosmetics, candles Sale: - medals - cups, trophies

Beekeeping, bee farm. Carpentry - production of wooden beehives. E-shop - beehives - pedestals and pallets for beehives.

Wholesale, e-shop: - food - pasta - cheeses - oils - sausages - rice...and more

Production, sale: -sugar, sugar factory, refinery - sugar, semolina, crystal, flour, mocha cubes, cubes. For industry – delivery by tankers, bulk packaging. For business network: -packaging 1 kg, 5 kg -bags, 15 kg, hygienic packaging 5 gr -Molasses - Beet granules - Calcareous sludge -Alcohol – fine, technical.

Production sales: -refined sugar -lump sugar - granulated sugar, semolina, flour -molasses.