Serial and custom-made food products are broken down into many different categories. Choose from a wide selection of for example dairy products, cereals, bakery products, meat products and sausages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages from the czech republic and abroad.

Sale: - herbal preparations, products - Natural Cosmetics - eco drugstore - gifts

Purchase, processing, sale of game - game deliveries to restaurants, boarding houses, grill bars. Company store - address: Sladkovského 1553, Pardubice. Processing plant - address: Sádka 148, Lázně Bohdaneč.

Wholesale, retail, e-shop: - Oriental and ethnic goods - Tea - tea ceramics - tea glass, dishes - hookahs - costume jewelery - decoration, furniture

Production, distribution, wholesale, retail trade, sale: -beer trademark portfolio: -Starobrno (Osma, Tradicni, Cerne, Rezak, MEDIUM, Lezak, non-alcoholic Frii) -Hostan (Nase pivko, Cechovní, Granat, Hradni, Premium, special Zamecke) -special beers (Cervený Drak, Black Drak, Baron Trenck) -imported beer trademarks (Zlaty Bazant, Heineken, ...

Production, sale: -beer JANÁČEK: -keg flach (stainless steel barrels), bottles, pet -light 10%, 11%, 12%, 14% -dark 10% -special yeast -special semi-dark 14% -flavoured beer: -Lemon, cola, ginger Olšavanka store: -tel.:572634675.

Production, sales, distribution: -Přerov brewery ZUBR -Hanušov brewery HOLBA -Litovel brewery LITOVEL -light beer -dark draft beer -Non-alcoholic beer.

Our goal is to offer customers a wide range of beer brands that differ from each other by a diverse range of their tastes. In addition to light draft beers and lagers, you will also find a number of specials in our offer - from semi-dark beers through multi-stage beers to dark lagers and non-alcoholic beer.

Production - traditional gingerbread - gingerbread from wooden molds.

Sales, repair, service: - Italian Guglielmo coffee - coffee machines

Wine shop, sale: - wine, wines

Wholesale, sale, e-shop: - Tea - green, herbal, black, fruit teas.

Bakery, confectionery, production, sale - confectionery and bakery products - pastries, desserts.

Production, wholesale, retail, e-shop - Mead - 8 types of mead. Production - address: Doubravička 17, Mladá Boleslav.

Bakery, production, sales: - pastries - Bread - cakes, handkerchiefs

Development, production, sales, eshop: - cosmetics - nutritional supplements - tiger ointment (ointment for joint pain, back pain, a natural remedy for muscle pain).

Family liqueur: - production of alcoholic beverages, spirits.

Processing, sales: - med - forest honey, linden - flower meadow honey.

Butchery, production, sale: - Meat - sausages

Butcher and charcuterie - sale of fresh meat - fastfood.

Services: - public catering - school canteens - import, delivery of food, meals - catering ŠJ On The Battlefield Beskydská 3 tel.485 152 495 ŠJ Barvířská Proboštská 38/6 tel .: 485 135 999 SPŠ strojní a elektrotechnická Masarykova 460 tel .: 485 105 374 Secondary Industrial School of Textiles Tyršova 1 phone: 607 004 616