Construction supervision is necessary not only from the point of view of the legislation, but also because of the security and correctness of execution of all construction tasks. Supervision shall ensure continuous control of all important works, and from the point of view of the project documentation and the applicable standards.

Construction activity, construction: - family houses - non-residential and industrial buildings - reconstruction Crafts, services: - plumbing work - carpentry work - locksmith work - painting work - custom furniture production - building projections - construction supervision

Construction supervision and design services for residential and office interiors.

Construction company - turnkey construction - reconstruction of buildings - construction work - construction supervision - engineering activity

Services: -real estate estimates. - building projection. -construction supervision.

Services: - project preparation and design work - project documentation of industrial, civil, ecological, energy and agricultural construction - technical supervision -project supervision - communication with the authorities, documents for approval - consultancy and consultation in the field of projections.

Project preparation of buildings, technical supervision, crisis management, OSH coordination. Design and realization of gardens and green lifestyle.

Services: - technical supervision of buildings - design work - OSH coordinator at the construction site - construction budgets - insulation of family and apartment buildings

Services: - technical supervision of the investor. - OSH coordinator at the construction site.

Services: - building projection -construction supervision

- Engineering activity in construction, technical supervision - intermediary activity in the field of construction

Processing of the investment plan, studies and documentation. Ensuring professional construction management and approval. Design and engineering activities, building construction.

Implementation of land structures, their changes and removal. Apartment construction Technical Supervision. Earthwork. Project activity: - new buildings -reconstruction - outbuildings.

Services: - supervisory activity on construction sites - OSH coordinator - safety on construction sites - processing of property records of water pipes and sewers according to Act No. 274/2001 Coll. - drawing up construction budgets - project, engineering activity.

Work: - design work in the construction industry. -construction supervision.

Services: - architecture and design activities - technical supervision on the construction site - estimates of implementation costs

Construction activity, construction work: - construction of a turnkey house - monolithic construction - reconstruction - facades - engineering activity - technical, construction supervision. Services: - damage removal - rehabilitation of objects.

Services and consulting in the field of construction Technical Supervision Engineering activity in the construction industry

Project and engineering activities, supervision of constructions, execution of minor construction works, all especially in the field of construction of waste management facilities: - waste landfills, composting plants, collection yards, transfer stations, reclamation, handling of biogas, etc. - operating regulations, integrated permits, EIA, ...

Management of investment projects Engineering activity in investment construction Construction supervision Investors technical Supervision Project activity under construction Real estate activities Real estate management

Architectural studies Building and interior projects - project for zoning management and building permit - implementation projects - copyright and technical supervision during construction

Real estate activity, sale and purchase - real estate Services - construction supervision - design of buildings

Architectural project studio and construction company, engineering. Proposals, projects: - concept, urbanism - studies, designs of exteriors, interiors -projects (projections) for Zoning Decisions, Building Permits - implementation projects - development of building budgets - interior design including custom furniture. Engineering ...

Construction and design company -new buildings, family houses -reconstruction - static security of buildings - project activity -construction supervision.

Comprehensive provision of engineering activities and performance of technical supervision of the investor. The mentioned activities are carried out by experienced workers who already worked in investment construction before the foundation of the association.

Projection, projecting: - buildings. Engineering activity. Construction supervision, construction management.