The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

Joinery production. Custom production and assembly: - euro windows including IV78 in noise-proof design - entrance interior door - interiors. All products are certified.

Activity: - laying interlocking paving - base plate construction - construction of brick fences, fencing.

Joinery. Custom production: - furniture.

Construction activity, construction: - transport constructions, communication - ground and excavation work - establishment of buildings - laying of concrete, granite, stoneware and other types of paving

Production - floor convectors - bathroom drains - designer bathroom radiators - floor grids.

Building company - revitalization of houses - warming up - loggia reconstruction, waterproofing.

Services - design and consulting activities in the field of transport construction - project documentation.

Delivery, installation - plastic and aluminum windows and doors - Euro windows.

Construction work - construction of industrial buildings - apartment construction - reconstruction of buildings - production and assembly of steel structures. Production, repairs, service - lifting equipment. Machinery production - production and repair of machines and technological units. Electrical installation, electrical ...

Architectural - design studio - project documentation.

Architectural - design studio - project documentation.

Production, e-shop - energy keys - grips - screws.

Construction activity, construction: - family houses - residential houses - industrial buildings - reconstruction - renovation of bathrooms Work: - heating - plumbing - gas company

Buildings - log cabins, log cabin houses on a turnkey basis - log cabins, cottages, gazebos, fences - wooden buildings.

Geodetic and real estate office - surveying activity - geometric plans - demarcation of land boundaries - sale and rental of real estate.

Activity: - sale of family houses in a development project

Sale: - heat insulation - building materials for the construction of passive and low-energy buildings Services: - construction supervision

Production, assembly: - all-glass walls and doors - canopies and awnings - showcases, railings, stairs - sliding doors, shower cubicles

Project work in the construction industry.

Sales, wholesale, e-shop, assembly: - interior door - door fittings - construction door casings - stainless steel railing - attic stairs

Construction activity, construction: - family houses - reconstruction - renovation of bathrooms