Construction materials

In an assortment of building materials it is possible to find a huge range of products. From rough building materials, such as cinder blocks, cements, drywall and construction lumber, through chemistry in the form of paints, varnishes, sealants or assembly foams, after tiling or also tools.

GEMA CZ s.r.o.

Construction work: - construction of family houses. -reconstruction of buildings. - insulation of facades. - ground work. -plumbing, roofing work. Services: - complete processing of project documentation. -real estate estimates. Carpentry work, production: -tailor-made furniture. -kitchen counters. -wooden windows, doors. - machine edge gluing. Sale: -carpentry…

FeEltech, s.r.o.

Wholesale - industrial and security cameras - electrical installation material Projection - electro Electrical assembly and electrical installation work Production - electrical switchboards of low AC voltage up to 1000 V Sale - metallurgical material - computing

Ekoefekt Kotle, s.r.o.

Serivs throughout the Czech Republic - automatic coal-fired boilers for family homes, cottages, cottages and boarding houses, industrial buildings, apartment buildings. Production - automatic coal-fired boilers for family homes, cottages, cottages and boarding houses, industrial buildings, apartment buildings.

Elektron Plus, s.r.o.

Dodávka - elektro spotřebiče Dodávka - elektroinstalační materiál Projekce - průmyslové rozvody - občanská elektroinstalace - individuální elektroinstalace - speciální elektroinstalace Montáž, údržba a servis - průmyslové rozvody - občanská elektroinstalace - individuální elektroinstalace - speciální elektroinstalaceelektro - revize