Construction materials

In an assortment of building materials it is possible to find a huge range of products. From rough building materials, such as cinder blocks, cements, drywall and construction lumber, through chemistry in the form of paints, varnishes, sealants or assembly foams, after tiling or also tools.

Jan Zubko

Complete electrical services, electrical reconstruction, sale of materials, consulting in the field of smart homes and subsequent implementation, passenger transport services max 6

VAMIRO s.r.o.

The company VAMIRO s.r.o. is a supplier of residential, storage, construction and sanitary containers. Our containers (cells) have a wide range of applications, they can be used as construction site equipment, storage facilities and as sales stands. Other activities of our company include the rental of mobile fencing, bridging and road panels. We provide our customers with a complete service…

David Türke Uniwin

Prodej, montáž, velkoobchod, maloobchod: - okna, dveře ( plastová, dřevěná, dřevohliníková ) - doplňky ( parapety, rolety, sítě proti hmyzu, žaluzie ) - garážová vrata - střešní okna Poradenství v oboru.

KalMont - Jan Kalenda - Servis oken a dveří, žaluzie, rolety

Professional service of windows and doors, including accessories, adjustment of fittings, spare parts for fittings, seals, locks, handles, door closers, etc. Sales, installation and service of interior shading equipment - blinds, shutters, insect screens. Installation and servicing of antenna and satellite technology - Flix TV, Freesat, Skylink, terrestrial broadcasting. Electrical and…

Koberce Global

Koberce Global is engaged in the sale of carpets. The sale of carpets is focused on high-quality handmade carpets from all over the world. The company buys carpets directly from their countries of origin, so they can guarantee the quality and originality of each piece of carpet. Koberce Global is engaged in the sale of carpets. The sale of carpets is focused on high-quality hand-woven carpets…

WORLD INVEST - Kamenictví s.r.o.

Production of stone elements for our own constructions, but we also produce a complete portfolio of cemetery and garden architecture. Production: - building architecture - tiling of facades, buildings, paving, stairs, staircases, window sills, fountains, stone nicknames, laying stone carpets - garden architecture - garden furniture (tables, benches), statues, memorial plaques, ornamental…

Novoklima - VECTOR BAU s.r.o.

Společnost Novoklima - VECTOR BAU s.r.o. nabízí montáž a servis klimatizačních jednotek, tepelných čerpadel, topení, elektroinstalace, vodoinstalace. Dále provádíme dodávky těchto zařízení včetně montáže prakticky na klíč. Samozřejmostí je vypracování kalkulace a návrhy technických řešení. Montáž, servis, oprava: - klimatizační jednotky - vzduchotechnika - tepelná čerpadla - bojlery …

A - BENET s.r.o.

The company A - BENET s.r.o. performs complete construction activities. We implement investment projects, including the supply of materials. We focus on the production, installation and repair of pipes, noise walls, technological units and equipment, as well as steel structures and installation of pre-insulated pipes. We perform all welding and assembly work. Production, assembly, repairs -…

Jiří Ustohal

Prodej - myčky - elektrické sporáky - mikrovlné trouby - automatické pračky Velkoobchod - myčky - elektrické sporáky - mikrovlné trouby - automatické pračky Servis - myčky - elektrické sporáky - mikrovlné trouby Servis - automatické pračky Velkoobchod, prodej, servis - elektrické bojlery