Bosch Termotechnika s.r.o. - obchodní divize Buderus
Topenářské centrum Buderus. Prodej: -topenářský materiál. -kotle zn. Buderus. -topná tělesa.
Topenářské centrum Buderus. Prodej: -topenářský materiál. -kotle zn. Buderus. -topná tělesa.
Building materials, building materials. Sale: - binders - adhesives, joint compounds - construction chemistry - masonry materials - isolation - roof coverings - construction lumber - tiling.
VTP centrum Velkoobchod, maloobchod: -expanzní a tlakové nádoby k vodárnám -expanzomaty a ČKD -čerpadla -manometry -termostaty, teploměry, kotle -topidla, ohřívače vody -zahradní hadice, těsnění.
Carpentry, custom furniture production: - interiors - kitchen counters - farm furniture - stairs, floors - office furniture - doors of all kinds - pergolas, suspended ceilings. Carving.
Carpentry, construction-carpentry production: - windows - EURO windows and doors - interior doors, entrance doors - stairs.
Sales, assembly: - plastic windows - plastic door. Branch: - Mohelnice - Peace
Production: - gas boilers - flow heaters - tool work - Machining.
Italian manufacturer and wholesale of carpets for hotels, commercial centers, offices, households from 100% PA, wool, including the possibility of producing a design on request from 100 m2. Manufacturer of sports and decorative lawns.
Design and construction of fireplaces, consulting and advice. Sale: -fireplaces and fireplace inserts -tile stoves and cookers -radiant and storage fireplaces -outdoor fireplaces and grills built -materials for the construction of fireplaces and stoves delivery and installation of three-skin chimney systems -hot air distribution -fireplace and tiled stove -Garden fireplaces -tiling …
Výroba, prodej: - armatury - čerpací zařízení.
Prodej: -stavebniny, stavební materiály.
Furniture production: - home furniture - living rooms - children's rooms - kitchen - The door - bathroom furniture.
Wholesale, retail: - water, heating, gas, bathrooms. Residence: Medlov 247, Uničov, 783 91. Tel .: 585054447.
Production, sale, assembly: - plastic windows.
Service, repair of plastic windows: - glazing - hardware repairs -Venetian blind -mosquito nets.
Stonework Petr Švardala based in Olomouc is engaged in the production of stone products for both exteriors and interiors. We produce stone worktops and washbasins, fireplaces, stairs and staircases, window sills, paving or grill plates. Our products also include monuments and graves. We are able to produce all stone products not only for customers from Olomouc, Prostějov and Přerov, but also from…
Retail and wholesale: - floor coverings and accessories, carpets, PVC - floating floors QuickStep, BerryFloor, Egger, Steier Parquet - interior doors and frames PRÜM, LipBled and Dextüra, Invado - door fittings - stairs, stair coverings, railings - vinyl floors - wooden floors - laminate floors.
Kompletní podlahářské práce Prodej, montáž, servis, poradenství: - dřevěné podlahy - linolea - koberce - renovace dřevěných podlah - renovace palubek.
Vývoj, konstrukce, výroba: -zařízení pro provoz parních kotlů a kotelen.
TOMEK výroba sklolaminátu Výroba ze sklolaminátu: -žlabové rozvody vody v chladících věžích -kryty chemické kanalizace -golfové překážky -střešní prostupy -vanové vložky -závodní auta -umývadla.
Production, assembly, disassembly: - wooden Euro windows in profiles IV68, IV78, IV88mm - entrance and interior doors - conservatories, sliding and folding walls - blinds.
Sales, repairs, installation: - heat meters. Sales, assembly: - water meters - heat meters and water meters - diagnostic service of heat meters - DANFOSS heat meters - DANFOSS frequency converters. Reconstruction: - central heating. Service: - gas boilers.
Construction bazaar Sale, purchase: -building material: -roofing -construction iron, masonry materials -facing and insulating materials -electronic material -water-topo material, construction chemicals. Construction Service: - sales of new PVC windows or Euro windows, doors, roofing, masonry, chimney systems, bathroom equipment, tiles, tiles and other accessories.
Production: - interior veneered doors - rebated doors - sliding doors - facing frames - atypical doors and frames - construction cases