Complete construction activity. Insulation of facades. Construction - plasterboards.
Complete construction activity. Insulation of facades. Construction - plasterboards.
Specialista na přírodní kámen - dodavatel pro zahradní centra - okrasné kameny a zásypové drtě kamínky, valounky, valouny, lámavé kameny Prodej - lampy Prodej - polygonální dlažby - šlapáky - dlažby a obklady z jurského vápence a z dalších hornin Prodej - balustrádová zábradlí Prodej - figury - sochy Zahradní parkové architektury Prodej - vázy …
Retail, sales: - construction costs -bricks -chimneys -colors -isolation -plasterboards - construction lumber -fake -roof coverings - building materials - trowels, sands -pavements, curbs
Činnost: - venkovní terasy, cestičky, mola, balkony - venkovní, pvc obklady - montáž, prodej systému Twinson
Building company: - quality and reliability - laying interlocking paving and granite blocks, including the provision of excavation work.
Realization of buildings, additions, reconstructions, garages, attic additions and roofs. He will take care of garden work, custom-made gazebos, interlocking paving.
The company provides small and larger construction works related to the exhibition and reconstruction of buildings. It can be the construction of foundations, realization of rd on a turnkey basis, laying of paving stones, facades, retaining walls and various finishing works.
Construction of residential buildings and reconstruction of buildings is handled by the firm Stavitelství Ganobjak, headquartered in Herálec. In addition to RD, it focuses on housing cores, insulation systems, stone carpets, tiles, but also interlocking paving. Registered office: 39601 Humpolec, 5 May 620
Forkeramic, s.r.o. focuses on the supply of tiling, flooring and bathroom equipment. Tiles and floor tiles are available in the sample shop, and the company also creates 3D bathroom designs for its customers.
The company SBO KUBA s.r.o. operates a building bazaar and focuses on the sale of windows, doors, sanitation, paving, insulation, electricity and much more.
The company KERAMIA ÚNANOV focuses on the production of stoves and accessories for fireplaces and stoves, other products we produce are house numbers, tankards and statuettes.
The company VF - Bau s.r.o. works in the field of construction, specializing in facades, insulation, reconstruction of housing cores and buildings. The company also focuses on paving, building fences and installing windows.
FAVOR store s.r.o. focuses on the sale of material for worktops and kitchen cabinets, sinks and washbasins, hobs and tiles.
Sale: - tools - hardware store - electrical goods - building material - gardening supplies - Household Goods - paints varnishes.
Věnujeme se prodeji vnitřní i venkovní kamenné dlažby. Dodáváme také obklady interiérů i exteriérů z přírodního kamene. Nabízíme rovněž poradenství, řemeslné práce, dopravu a tvorbu 3D vizualizací.
Earthworks by hand and by machine. Laying interlocking paving and edging.
The Kamenné obklady Řepa store offers stone tiles and brick tiles for the exterior and interior. We offer concrete and plaster tiles. These are imitations of stone applied to the wall. Come and see the largest offer of artificial stone tiles in the Czech Republic.
Retail, sales: - construction costs -construction chemistry -isolation - tiling and paving - metallurgical material -bricks -plasterboards -mesh -roof coverings Rental: - construction technology - garden equipment
Tesařské prácedrobné dřevostavby - altany - pergoly - zahradní domky - přístřešky Hydroizolace Vnitřní a venkovní palubkové obklady Klempířské práce Pokrývačské práce Montáž - střešní okna
E-shop, online store: -floor moldings. -floating floors. -vinyl floors. -pads under the floors. -interior door. -tiles, paving stones. -plastic windows.
Retail, sales: -sanitary ceramics -faucets - tiling and paving -bathroom furniture - dry mortar mixes
Transportation - gravel - grit - sand Working with the AD080 mobile crane Sales and assembly - central vacuum cleaners Earth and excavation works - terrain work Laying - interlocking paving
Sale - tiling, paving - sanitary ceramics - waterproofing systems - construction chemistry - glues - joint sealants - leveling trowels - penetration coatings Crafts, services - tiling works Rental - hand tools for tilers