Production, sale, service: -tubular heating elements destined for warming in industry, domestic appliances and skilled handwork -ceramic heating elements and infra-red radiators for air heating, undirect heating of water and many others liquids, for drying plants and also brooders and piglet heating -low watt density and high watt density ...

Production, sale: - paints and varnishes: - synthetic: - Luxol, Rezolux, Luxol Top, Luxolin, Luxolak, Tixolak, Lodni lak (varnish for ships), UV lak (varnish), Balaprim, Korozin, Universal, Probal, Festol, Matol, Tixol, Protex, Oknol, Thermobal, Komaprim - dispersed: - painters' and facade: - Biolotos, Firnweiss, ...