Sewage treatment are a perfect substitute for the septic tank or sump at the cottages, a detached house or single-family homes, where not to clean the sewage effluent other solutions. Choose from a wide range of plants met with by injecting into surface or groundwater.

Former Construction of Roads and Railways, a.s. Buildings: - road, road - railway - highway - urban communication - waste dumps - engineering constructions - production, laying of asphalt coated mixtures - construction and repair of airport areas - water management structures - wastewater treatment plants.

Arranging subsidies from subsidy titles of European Union EU funds Construction work Water management constructions - projects - ponds Erosion protection Projection - sewerage - water mains - connections - wastewater treatment plants (WWTP.

Buildings: - construction work - construction project - investment engineering activity - civil and residential -engineering including technical amenities of housing estates -industrially - traffic. Road transport. Mediation activity: -trade - services. Printing production: -screen printing -rubber print ...