Work at heights

Maintenance and cutting of trees, washing windows, masonry work, installation of ads and systems against birds, the assembly work, the realization of facades and roofs, or cleaning snow services are covered under the dangerous high-altitude work, which is better left to the professionals.

Lukáš Kubica

Nátěry - střechy - okapy - ocelové a betonové konstrukce Kácení - stromy Čištění a umývání oken a okapů horolezeckou technikou - odklízení sněhu ze střech Demoliční práce Výškové práce horolezeckou technikou Prořezávání a kácení stromů

Alpinic Znojmo s.r.o.

We carry out work at heights with climbing equipment. we will provide repairs, cleaning, painting and demolition of factory chimneys. We will provide installation of banners at heights, repairs, installation and painting of roof coverings, installation of ventilation systems and lightning rods at heights and arboricultural work and risky tree felling.