Plasterboard work

So you've decided to plasterboard? Take advantage of the plaster work including ceiling simply sheathed, partitions mutually sheathed, attic and wall. The services and painting and coating plasterboard, the insertion of insulation and insertion of the foil.

Michal Kasálek - Stavby Zlín

We provide construction and reconstruction of houses and apartments, carpentry work, painting work, electrical work, installation of water-topo-gas construction work - turnkey family houses reconstruction of houses and flats facade insulation plasterboard floating floors interlocking paving carpentry-carpentry roofing plumbing installation of skylights painting work-painting rooms …

FORIZOL s.r.o.

Proposals, implementation: - flat roofs including insulation - foil and asphalt waterproofing systems - waterproofing of underground structures. Plumbing work, tinsmithing. Plasterboards. Soil constructions. Floating floors. Thermal insulation: - PVC film and cardboard - flat roofs - balconies - earthen terraces.

Petr Polách

Proposals, implementation: - flat roofs including insulation - foil and asphalt waterproofing systems - waterproofing of underground structures. Plumbing work, tinsmithing. Plasterboards. Soil constructions. Floating floors. Thermal insulation: - PVC film and cardboard - flat roofs - balconies - earthen terraces.

Jan Holík s.r.o.

Jan Holík s.r.o. je stavební firma specializující se na zateplování fasád, montáž sádrokartonů, podlahových desek a další stavební práce. Stavební firma, stavební práce: -výstavba rodinných domů: VS Domy - dodávky sádrokartonových a fermacelových konstrukcí včetně tapet a maleb, kompletní zateplení fasád Bungalovy - chráněné bydlení, kompletní dodávka včetně maleb, zateplení a…

Erik Hauerland

Stavební firma, činnost, práce: - zednické práce - stavby na klíč - rekonstrukce - půdní vestavby - zateplení, zateplování budov - sanace vlkého zdiva - obklady a dlažby - sádrokartony, podhledové kazety - vodo- topo -plyn - malířské práce - podlahářské práce, podlahář - instalatérské práce, instalatér - elektropráce včetně revize - výkopové práce, demolice -…

Hodinový manžel Zlín - Ondřej Dušek

If you are looking for someone to fix a dripping tap, assemble furniture, paint, connect a new washing machine or sharpen knives, then Kutil Ondra from Zlín is here for you. Hour husband for Zlín surroundings: - locksmith work and metalwork - plumbing and heating repairs - grinding tools and instruments - minor masonry work and repairs - plasterboard works - painting and painting works…

PROVING s.r.o.

Construction company, construction work, construction, implementation, reconstruction, repair, repair, reconstructions, reconstruction, construction: -apartment construction: - flats, apartments, family houses and houses, family houses and houses - industrial buildings - agricultural buildings -communication, engineering networks Projecting, projection: - building projection …

Oto Pejcha

Construction company, construction work: -residential buildings, apartments -warming -family houses -bathrooms, housing cores -roofs, plasterboard structures -plasters -demolition -masonry. I SAVE GREEN.

Jiří Konečný

Stavební firma se specializací na fasády a omítky. Rekonstrukce, opravy, oprava, omítání, stavba: -fasád omítek domů, staveb, rodinných domků, objektů -půdní vestavby a přístavby. Zateplování, zateplení: -vnější pláště budov - certifikovaný zateplovací systém MULTITHERM-RELIUS. Izolace, hydroizolace: -střechy a základy domů. Práce: -stavební na klíč -veškeré…

Stavební firma MÁCHA - Jaroslav Mácha

CONSTRUCTION, CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION. Construction work, execution of constructions, their changes and removal: - family houses (houses), industrial buildings - residential cores (residential cores) -bathroom(s) - insulation of the building, facade, insulation against water (waterproofing) -plasterboards, suspended ceilings -terrain work. Laying, tiling works: - tiling, paving,…

LM trade Holešov s.r.o.

The company LM trade Holešov s.r.o. is a construction company focusing on facade insulation, panel construction regeneration and house construction. We also run an e-shop with facade and insulation materials. We operate most often in the district. Zlín, Kroměříž, Zlín and Olomouc regions. We provide a complete service related to the issue of insulation of buildings: - thermal technical…

Madera Teco, s.r.o.

Madera Teco, s.r.o. Uherské Hradiště operates throughout the Czech Republic in the field of construction of wooden buildings and plasterboard work. We install wooden, low-energy houses as well as wooden terraces, houses and wooden sheds. We implement turnkey wooden wooden buildings - these are low-energy buildings fully comparable to brick houses. The construction of a sandwich wooden…


Implementation, reconstruction and renovation: -all types of roofs and roofing systems - flat or inclined with using all kinds of roofing systems. Work: -roofing, roofing -plumbing, tinsmithing -carpentry, carpentry - insulation, heat and sound insulation -installation of plasterboard systems, plasterboard partitions and facings?. -in ordinary interiors and in all other…

Břetislav Kedroň - Vinyltherm

Stavební firma: - kompletní stavební práce - zednické práce - zateplování fasád - izolatérské práce - sádrokartonářské práce (montáž - sádrokartonové systémy) - pokrývačské a klempířské práce (montáž - střešní konstrukce a pokládání střešní krytiny včetně klempířských prvků).