Painting, varnishing and wall papering work

Painting work shall not include only painting the interiors and exteriors, but also wallpapering, painting of facades, minor masonry work, gypsum plaster and coating of windows, doors and radiators. All of these acts are used high quality paints in many shades.

Petr Ondráško

Stavební firma: - novostavby a rekonstrukce domů a průmyslových hal - dílčí stavební a řemeslné práce - rekonstrukce koupelen a jiné drobné zednické práce - provádění dodatečného odizolování objektů - zateplování budov - truhlářské a tesařské práce - sádrokartonářské práce - elektrikářské práce - pokládka podlahových krytin - protipožární nátěry - malířské práce - nátěry…

Martin Sladký - Stavby WBS

Construction and sales company Martin Sladký - Stavby WBS performs construction of houses, reconstruction and rebuilding. We also sell and install home equipment, such as fireplaces, interior doors and all custom furniture. We are located in the village of Hnátnice, Ústí nad Orlicí district. Construction company, construction: - turnkey family houses - reconstruction of buildings -…

Petr Bartaloš

The Petr Bartaloš company carries out all construction work and construction trades in Pardubice. Construction work: - all construction work - turnkey constructions - reconstruction of buildings - plasterboards - plasters - painting works - plasterboard works - masonry work - plumbing work - floors - locksmith work.

Stavební společnost Jiří Tlačvoda

We are a small construction company focused on low-rise buildings. Insulation, reconstruction, tiling, laying interlocking paving. We also do apartment reconstruction, core, stucco, painting, tiling. We are on contract prices, so we always agree to the satisfaction of both parties

Jan Vodička

Painting, wallpapering, cleaning. Flooring, furniture assembly, painting of doors, frames and painting of radiators. Installation of accessories in bathrooms. Modern stone tiling. Complete apartment service. Manipulation work. Small-scale moving work. Hourly man services. Cheap-reliable-quality

Zdeněk Koráb

We carry out complex renovations of bathrooms and remodeling of apartments in the vicinity of Teplice and Ústí nad Labem. We also offer a wide range of hourly husband services at very reasonable prices.

Roman Bodlák

Our services for customers We focus on the installation of plasterboard ceilings, partitions, projecting walls, painting of rooms, apartments and offices. We carry out plastering and complete masonry work, including installing windows and doors, tiling and paving, complete reconstruction of apartment cores and plastering. We also carry out small-scale orders. Free consultation, orientation and…

Vladimír Drápalík

-Maintenance of the house, household, garden, cottage -Handyman -Minor locksmith work -Management of the object -Repairs and adjustments of sewing machines -Installation, adjustment and repair of plastic windows and doors - Plastering - Drywall works - Construction of retaining walls and fences -Laying interlocking tiles

Ladislav Orgoň - locolor

LOCOLOR, malování pokojů a nátěry fasád pro Kolín a okolí Firma již od roku 1996 zasahuje svým působením převážně Střední Čechy, z nichž především okres Kolín. Zaměřujeme se zejména na kompletní malířské práce menšího i většího rozsahu. Dle přání je možnost provést vystěhování a nastěhování nábytku, jeho zakrytí, zakrytí podlah a částečný nebo kompletní úklid. Zakládáme si na odbornosti a…