Locksmith work

Locksmith work includes installation of door panels and their repair, replacement of locks, opening slammed apartments, vehicles and safes, installation of security features, the installation of safety systems and additional services related to the door locks and property protection.

OSSTO-PLUS, s.r.o.

Výroba, poradenství, studie: -žárově zinkované stožáry veřejného osvětlení a stožáry, (sloupy) světelné signalizace(semafory...), vlajkové, rozhlasové, hromosvodové stožáry dekorativní, reflektorové, pro dopravní značení -stožáry stupňovité, kuželové, osmihranné, historické stožáry a svítidla, sadová a silniční svítidla -certifikace výrobků dle TÜV -schváleno…

AZ FIN SERVIS, s.r.o. - ŽDB a.s.

Metal production, locksmithing, locksmith machine production: - steel constructions - industrial equipment (loaders, reservoirs, tanks, stairs, platforms, railings) - medium and larger repairs: - lines, machine tools. Electrical assembly work, electrical maintenance: - rewind-motors - electrical installation, electrician trade - high-current electrical engineering-HV.


Production, assembly, repair, service: - machinery - technological equipment. Craft locksmith, welder Breeding, sale, riding school, equestrian club: - sport horses, horses for sport purposes-parkour. Production: - steel structures - show jumping obstacles. We have owned ISO * 9001 since 2002, Welding of steel structures ČSN EN ISO 1090-2 Recruitment agency - search for…