Earthwork and excavation work

Excavations drainage, demolition, excavating the foundations of houses, digging trenches for utilities, modification of terrain or excavation for swimming pools? All these activities fall within the scope of earthwork and excavation works, which are carried out using excavators, or excavators.

Rubáček s.r.o. - Zemní práce a demolice

Demolice stavení Pomůžeme Vám s demolicí menších i větších stavení dle zadání pomocí hydraulických nůžek na JCB JS 210 LC. Prováděli jsme například demolice stavení, starých skleníků atp. Výkopy základů rodiných domů Dům je základ spokojené rodiny dobré základy jsou nezbytnou součástí dobrého rodinného domu. Opravy polních a lesních cest Provádíme opravy a úpravy polních i lesních cest.…

SMOP s.r.o.

Práce: - stavební - zemní - zednické - montáž obkladů a dlažeb - demoliční, nakládací a manipulační práce strojem KOMATSU SK - 815 - terénní úpravy.

Vladimír Nims

Mechanization for earthworks, transport, forwarding activities: -earthworks and transport - transport for construction work -terrain treatment -excavation of swimming pools -excavation and clearing work - the basics of buildings -demolition - loading and unloading of pallet goods -excavation work for utility networks -removal of snow in winter - transportation of bulk…

Zdeněk Šubrt - ROVAK

Excavation and earthworks. Earth and excavation works: - overburden, foundations, sewerage, reclamation - precise excavations for laying pipes - laying of distribution lines, inclusion and leveling of the terrain. Demolition and demolition work: - mechanical demolition of buildings - removal of demolished material. Road transport: - import of construction material - removal and…

RULF Nová Paka s.r.o. - Stavby - rekonstrukce domů Jičín

Construction company dedicated to these activities:  - buildings  - turnkey construction of family houses  - reconstruction  - repairs  - facades, insulation  - earthwork  - demolition  - construction of utilities (gas, water, sewerage) Our other activities include: Sewer monitoring  - including pressure tests  - tracing and alignment of unknown networks  - trenchless technology …

RIMA s.r.o.

Building and housing maintenance: - buildings, turnkey construction of family houses including construction documentation - construction, tiling, masonry and height work. Reconstruction: - flats, bathrooms, apartment cores, residential buildings, construction modifications of sewers. Earthworks: - VF VENEREI, dredging, excavations Painting work, painting work. Repair,…

Otakar Buben - Agro Sprint Servis

Freight transport - road transport. - Tatra 815 clutch 2 pcs - S3, S2 + lift - Tatra MIX for transporting concrete 2 pcs - rental container for waste, debris - the VLH bulk material tank, for example for cement, lime, is removable Earthworks: - dredging, sloping, excavations - UDS 114 shovel width 70, 100, 130 - front loader 3 pcs L34 - 3 m3 2 pcs L200 - 2 m3 - repair of forest…

SOVIS s.r.o.

The company holds a quality certificate according to the ČSN EN ISO 9001:2000, 14001 standard Construction company, buildings: - building supplies, construction - new roads, roads, paths - maintenance of roads - reconstruction and strengthening of surfaces, including their drainage - sewerage and water supply connections and lines - regulation and modification of watercourses -…

POPR s.r.o. - vodohospodářské a dopravní stavby

Our company has been operating on the market since 1992. We specialize in transport and water management structures and landscape engineering in the fields of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, the environment and the local economy. Water management and landscape engineering structures include: - construction and restoration of water reservoirs and ponds - modifications of water courses -…

ASJ s.r.o. - stavební firma

Construction work: - complete deliveries of buildings, constructions - construction - family houses, houses - repairs and insulation of facades - reconstruction and repair of buildings - attic superstructures and built-ins - residential houses - insulation of prefabricated houses - earthworks - excavation work - demolition. Rental: - JCB 3CX excavator. Billing address:…