Earthwork and excavation work

Excavations drainage, demolition, excavating the foundations of houses, digging trenches for utilities, modification of terrain or excavation for swimming pools? All these activities fall within the scope of earthwork and excavation works, which are carried out using excavators, or excavators.

Služby města Cvikova s.r.o.

The main activity of the Technical Services of the City of Zwickau is the administration and year-round maintenance of the city. We take care of the maintenance of roads and sidewalks and their cleaning and winter maintenance. Our other activities include the removal of faeces, cleaning of sewer connections, removal of debris and other waste. We also provide all high-altitude work for the city,…

Tomáš Botos

Wholesale, retail: - maintenance of motor vehicles and their accessories Road motor transport: - goods operated by vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 3,5 tonnes, if they are intended for the transport of animals or goods - goods operated by vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 3,5 tonnes, if…

Miroslav Švancara

Miroslav Švancara's company has been operating since 1998 in Mladá Boleslav, the Central and North Bohemian regions and Prague. We deal with the demolition of buildings, halls and other construction objects. We also carry out earthworks such as the excavation of swimming pools, building foundations, the removal and delivery of material and soil. We offer: - ground and excavation work -…

Stavba Bartoš, s.r.o.

Our construction company, which has been operating for more than 25 years, mainly in Kladno and its surroundings. We implement constructions of larger and smaller character. We gained my experience mainly in Germany and subsequently on contracts in the Czech Republic. Over time, we are constantly expanding our services to today's form, which consists mainly of the complete construction of houses,…

Stavby Šafanda, s.r.o.

Company Stavby Šafanda, s.r.o. has many years of experience in construction, earthworks and road transport. Our services include industrial construction, demolition, earthworks, utilities, foundation engineering and also trucking. You can find us in the village Chanovice, district Klatovy. Construction activity, work, construction: - demolition - earthwork - foundations, foundations -…

T&Nstav stavební a obchodní, s.r.o.

Our company T & Nstav Construction and Trading s.r.o. offers its customers comprehensive services in the field of construction. We focus primarily on the construction of turnkey houses, reconstruction and modification of houses, building insulation, construction, reconstruction and modification of civil and industrial buildings. If you decide to build your house yourself, we will be happy to…

Ladislav Touš

The company Ladislav Touš deals with excavation and earthworks, import and export of soil, sand or gravel, agricultural commodities and feed. It also delivers various building materials in various districts of the Pilsen region. It also includes demolition work on smaller buildings, road repairs and felling of trees and bushes. It is open from Monday to Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. …

EUbuilding, a.s. - pozemní stavitelství

All types of constructions in the building construction sector will be supplied by EUbuilding, a.s. We have been operating on the market since 2011 and, thanks to our consistency and professional approach, we are one of the capable and prosperous construction companies. Our goal is first-class work and satisfaction of our customers. As part of our construction activities, we focus on the…

Eproreal, s.r.o.

The company Eproreal, s.r.o. based in Prague Čakovice has been dealing with all construction work since 1996. We offer, for example, earthworks, including field and excavation work, masonry and concrete work, paving, tiling and installation of plasterboard, floor laying and other work, including new construction and reconstruction. You will find our work mainly in the Tanvald region and in the…

FK + D, s.r.o.

Firma FK + D, s.r.o. se sídlem v Praze již více než 20 let nabízí veškeré stavební práce. Zabývá se pokládkou obkladů a dlažeb, malířskými a natěračskými pracemi. Současně provádí také tapetování. V rámci stavebních prací realizuje výstavbu rodinných domů na klíč, rekonstrukce bytů, domů a koupelen na klíč, fasádnické práce, izolace střech, sanace a zateplení. Můžete se na ni obrátit i s…

Skalický a spol., s.r.o.

Hledáte spolehlivého partnera pro vaše stavební projekty? Skalický a spol., s.r.o. je tu pro vás! S naší bohatou historií, založenou již v roce 2001, a sídlem v srdci Brna na Křenové 64/13, jsme se stali synonymem pro kvalitu a důvěru v oblasti stavebnictví. Naše služby: - Projektová činnost ve výstavbě: Naše projekty jsou plány vašich snů. Přetváříme vaše vize do reality s důrazem na…

Technické služby města Poděbrad s.r.o.

Technical services of the city of Poděbrady s.r.o. provide regular and extraordinary assistance in the administration and cleaning of the city of Podebrady. We provide routine maintenance of public lighting, operation of the collection yard, removal and disposal of common and hazardous waste, high-altitude work, treatment and maintenance of lawns, transport of water to pools and reservoirs,…

Lukovič s.r.o.

The company Lukovič s.r.o. deals with the implementation of buildings, their changes and removal for the private or public sector. We realize the works in a quality that meets the expectations of the investor, and which at the same time meets the requirements of the relevant standards, regulations and the requirements of modern technologies. All work carried out by us is carried out and…

Zemní práce Jaromír Vrkoslav

Our company Jaromír Vrkoslav from Liberec offers its customers earth and excavation work and landscaping with a JCB 3CX backhoe loader or a crawler mini excavator. Our offer: - earthworks and excavations - earthworks, excavation work for civil, transport, industrial and civil engineering using our dredging technology. - landscaping of flat and sloping terrain - slope - removing topsoil,…

Adam epox s.r.o.

Adam Epox s.r.o. – Váš partner pro kvalitní a spolehlivé stavební služby. Hledáte stavební firmu, která zaručuje precizní práci, dodržení termínů a spokojenost zákazníka na prvním místě? Adam Epox s.r.o. je tím správným řešením pro Vás! Sídlíme na adrese Opavská 6230/29a, Ostrava a nabízíme široké spektrum služeb v oblasti stavebnictví a zemních prací. Specializujeme se na výstavbu…

Skládky VHS Jihlava s.r.o.

The company Skládky VHS Jihlava s.r.o. is a smaller, flexible, dynamic company. It was founded in 2007 and the majority of employees are employees of Vodohospodářské staveb Jihlava with many years of experience in performing civil engineering for civil and industrial production, especially sewers, water mains, earthworks, roads and monolithic structures. The basic goal of the company is a…

STAVSPORT PRAHA s.r.o. - projekční a stavební činnost

The company STAVSPORT PRAHA s.r.o. based in Prague Řeporyje has been engaged in preparatory, pre-design, design and construction activities for almost 30 years. We offer our customers a comprehensive processing of their request, ie. business plan from the preparatory phase to implementation. The company STAVSPORT PRAHA s.r.o. It can provide you with a meaningful investment of funds so that you…


Road motor transport - goods operated by vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes if intended for the transport of animals or goods, - goods operated by vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, if intended for the transport of animals or goods Repair of road vehicles Construction,…

Technické služby města Pelhřimova, příspěvková organizace

The company Technické služby města Pelhřimova, a contributory organization, takes care of waste management, public greenery, cleanliness and winter maintenance of roads, construction work, public lighting, cemetery management, sports grounds, parking, public toilets, markets, advertising and billboard areas of Pelhřimov. Waste management: - waste collection - rental of containers -…

Zemědělské družstvo Pojbuky

Agricultural cooperative Pojbuky is engaged in the cultivation of cereals, rapeseed, fodder wheat, food rye and malting barley. We raise cattle for meat and milk. We offer the import of bulk materials or the removal of grain. We sell very early, early, semi-early and industrial potatoes for consumption or seed potatoes. The agricultural cooperative also carries out construction work -…