Demolition work

Take advantage of the demolition work including earthworks and demolition works, processing and removal of earth and rubble, recycling materials and environmental disposal of hazardous waste, disposal and remediation of asbestos. Demolition are possible with low buildings and industrial objects.

Zdeněk Hanák

All construction work, earthworks, excavation work, masonry and demolition work, demolition, including removal of debris, soil. Plasterboard, facades. tiling, paving. Region South Moravian Region, Brno, Znojmo, Břeclav.

Dvořák František

Construction activity, company, construction, building industry -facades, painting and insulation of facades, plaster, paintings tiling, masonry work, construction, alterations and removals -constructions, turnkey construction -reconstruction of buildings, lofts -demolition work, demolition -storage of inert material, materials -projects, interiors, engineering networks -delivery and…

Mibag - Miroslav Šmíd - zemní a výkopové práce

The company Mibag - Miroslav Šmíd focuses on heavy construction, earthworks and demolition work. We perform excavations of utilities, watercourse modifications, soil overburden and construction of transport structures. Another of our activities is the sale of bulk building materials and the transport of earthmoving machinery. We are located in the village Ladná, district Břeclav. We carry out…

Stavební společnost Mutina Zdeněk, spol. s r.o.

Construction company, activity, work, construction: -swimming pool -turnkey construction work, construction -construction of family houses, family house, family houses, halls, industrial buildings -facade insulation, facade -soil built-ins, built-in, plasterboards -buildings, construction, reconstruction, modernization -ground and excavation work -removal of buildings, demolition work…

RPMSTAV - Roman Mahďák

Construction work: Fence and plasterboard systems Reconstruction of housing core, bathrooms Construction of turnkey houses, industrial buildings swimming pools Interlocking paving Facade insulation Masonry work plasterboard demolition and demolition work, road transport + work with hydraulic arms excavation work with an excavator from 1, 5t to 20t work from any construction technique. …

OTR Recycling s.r.o.

Member of REC Group s.r.o. Comprehensive services in the field of demolition, earthworks, recycling of construction waste, processing of bio-waste, waste wood and bulk waste. Services: - demolition of buildings, including clearing and removal of waste - recycling - production and sale of construction recyclates - cleaning of houses, apartments, industrial buildings, including…

STAVBY ONDRA - Libor Ondra

Construction, construction, reconstruction, repairs: - turnkey buildings -family houses. Work: - complete insulation systems -laying - tiling and paving, interlocking paving -demolition of houses -painting, painting, paintings - ground, excavation - tractor excavator JCB and BOBCAT. Delivery mediation: -WATER, TOPO, GAS and ELECTRICITY.

SANPROS, spol.s r.o.

The construction company SANPROS Buchlovice focuses on the construction, reconstruction and demolition of buildings, family houses in the region of Zlínský, region, Hodonín, Brno. Realization: - construction of buildings - turnkey constructions - turnkey family houses - reconstruction of buildings - attic, attic buildings - residential cores - administrative objects - storage…

Zednické práce BENÍČEK - Miroslav Beníček

Stavební práce: -veškeré zednické (zdění,omítání, betonáž) -přestavby,přístavby -bourací práce -zateplené i nezateplené fasády -obkladačské (obklady a dlažby) -pokládka zámkové dlažby -zpevněné příjezdové komunikace, -hutnění podkladů (zeminy) -opěrné a okrasné zídky a ploty -montáže komínů SCHIEDEL (osvědčení výrobce pro odbornou montáž) -osazování oken,dveří,vrat…

EDMA s.r.o.

EDMA s.r.o. is a construction company with a long tradition, which focuses on the complete supply of water management, transport, engineering and building construction. We also devote ourselves to the construction and reconstruction of playgrounds. You can find the company headquarters at Drnovice č.p. 708 and the establishment in the village Luleč. Construction activity, work, construction,…

PŘIBYL S-R, s.r.o.

Services: Construction company -construction work -construction of new houses, flats and housing complexes - construction of industrial halls and buildings -construction of non-residential premises and attics - complete reconstruction of houses, flats and housing units, industrial buildings and halls -earth and demolition work -recycling of construction material - sale of building…

Stavební firma Činčala

Stavební firma, stavební práce. Těžba,prodej štěrkopísek, štěrkopísku-Jižní Morava. Tříděný i netříděný štěrkopísek, kamenivo různých frakcí, kopaný písek a kameny na skalky,kačírek,recykláty(stavební suť). Půjčovna stavební mechanizace a lešení -JM -vybrační pěchy a desky -přívěsné vozíky -lešení rámové a HAKI -míchačky,zednické kozy,fošny. Výstavba rodinné domy,dům na klíč-JM+SM …

SEVI, spol. s r.o.

Stavební firma: -průmyslové,občanské,bytové stavby. Práce: -komplexní stavební práce -provádění staveb včetně jejich změn -udržovací práce na stavbách -demolice staveb -inženýrská činnost v investiční výstavbě. Velkoobchod,maloobchod,prodej: -potraviny -stavebniny. Prodejna: -Smíšené zboží Lipina 77,76601 Val.Klobouky tel.:577320164.

IMOS group s.r.o.

REALIZATION OF WATER MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTIONS Water mains, reservoirs, water treatment plants Sewerage and wastewater treatment plants Modifications of watercourses, dams and reservoirs REALIZATION OF BUILDINGS Civil and housing construction Roads, paved areas, sidewalks Reconstruction and repairs of listed buildings Playground, sports ground Industrial…

Tomáš Zástava - Zednictví

Construction and masonry work: - rough construction - reconstruction of houses and apartments - insulation of buildings and facades -tiles, paving stones - plumbing, heating, electrical works -plumbing, carpentry, covering, painting work -installation of plasterboard -demolition and excavation work - delivery of all works is turnkey - ensuring project documentation a building permit …