Demolition work

Take advantage of the demolition work including earthworks and demolition works, processing and removal of earth and rubble, recycling materials and environmental disposal of hazardous waste, disposal and remediation of asbestos. Demolition are possible with low buildings and industrial objects.

Jan Hodur

Realization: - utilities - plasterboards - swimming pools - paving, interlocking paving, tiling - excavation and earthworks - landscaping - insulation of buildings - demolition work - reconstruction of apartments and buildings - electrical distribution - gas-water-heating - painting work - height work - floating floors.

Aleš Macík

Preparatory work for buildings. Earth and excavation works, dredging: - landscaping of slopes and plains - utility networks (gas pipelines, water pipes) - excavation of the foundations of buildings, family houses - covering work, backfilling of pipelines - excavation of pools, ponds, cellars, etc. Demolition and demolition work.

SG - Geoinženýring s.r.o.

Engineering activities, assessments: - construction industry - geology - ecology. Projection: - construction. Construction activity: - buildings - building changes - removal of buildings. Mining activity: - mining works, quarries - interventions in the earth's crust - provision, liquidation of mining works. Work to ensure the stability of underground spaces, work to make old and…

DESIA, s.r.o.

The company DESIA, s.r.o. from Ostrava-Vítkovice offers assembly water, gas, heating, gas boilers without capacity limitation, sanitary equipment, boilers, radiators, water faucets, bathtubs, sinks, WC, heating and all equipment. Performs construction activities - e.g. lookout towers, bathroom renovations, demolition work. If you need it, don't hesitate to contact DESIA.

STELLEX - Milan Svobodník

Zemní a výkopové práce. Demolice budov včetně základů. Regulace a čištění vodních toků i nádrží. Kácení a likvidace starých stromů včetně vytrhání pařezů, vyžínání křovin a travních porostů i mnoho dalších.