The crane allows the loading, lifting, translating and lifting heavy construction materials and other heavy loads. Weight capacity of cranes ranges in the tens of tons. Jeřábnické work therefore apply in particular in the construction sector, where ease of handling.

Services: -crane work - heavy and oversized transport -earth and excavation work -demolition activity - woodworking.

Haulage - excessive costs - domestic and international transport. Crane work. Earth and excavation works - utilities.

The company Ondrej Popluhár from the Karlovy Vary region has been working with mobile cranes for many years. We have participated in hundreds of realizations and projects. We offer professional advice and tailor-made solutions. We use professional handling and demolition equipment. We have an AD 20 truck crane available on a Tatra 148 chassis. We ...

LB spol.s r.o. provides its customers with a wide range of services. Our portfolio includes earthworks, excavation of foundations, demolition, mining of minerals as well as sorting and recycling of building materials. We are located at Mezirolí 110, Nová Role, Karlovy Vary District. Construction work, activity, services: - earthwork - ...

Work: - locksmith, - welding, - mobile crane (up to 20 t). Production: - pressure vessels, - gas appliances.

Engineering. Production, assembly: - steel constructions - pipe systems Work: - crane

Locksmith production. Construction, assembly, repair and reconstruction of technical transport and railway equipment. Installation, repair and maintenance of dedicated electrical equipment. Designing electrical equipment. Manufacture, installation and repair of electrical machinery and apparatus. Installation and repair of telecommunication ...

Services: - rental of mobile cranes with service

Construction: - family houses Crane work: - TATRA AD20T mobile crane

Development, production - equipment for the production of concrete - cement silo - mixers - aggregate hoppers Crafts, services - crane works - reconstruction of concrete plants