Motorcycles and scooters

Are you looking for a retailer of your favorite road motorcycles? Sales of new and used motorcycles, repairs, servicing and redemption of the terrain, road and specialty motorcycles and scooters of all volumes implemented by international and Czech brands.

Oldcar, s.r.o.

Car service Tire service - service, repairs of vehicles of all brands -maintenance and repairs in the same quality as in a branded car service -reasonable prices - sale of spare parts -repairs, service services for motorbikes.

Miroslav Medek

Autoklempířské práce Autolakýrnické práce Plnění klimatizací Servis - motocykly - skútry Servis - kamiony - nákladní automobily - dodávky Servis - osobní automobily Čištění interiérů vozidel Odtahová služba Sklad a prodej - technické plyny