The functions of city and municipal authorities are irreplaceable. Care about the order of the whole community, through the officials, the police, firefighters, associations and other components of the office. The most important information related to the village you can find just the relevant authority.

Obec Kristanovice Obecni urad
Obecní úřad Křišťanovice. The village is situated on the border of the Moravian-Silesian and Olomouc regions, the boundary of the Black and Baltic Sea basins at an altitude of 620 - 650 m. The weather here is mostly harsh and windy for most of the year. Although the village is situated on the foothills of Nízký Jeseník, it is a paradox that in ...
Obec Horni Zivotice Obecni urad
Obecni urad Horni Zivotice. The first written mention of the village dates from 1265, when it belonged to Velehrad monastery. From January 1, 1978 to November 23, 1990, Horní Životice was part of the village of Horní Benešov. In the village was mined in the 13th century. silver ore. An adit under the cemetery dates back to that time. Until ...
Obec Mala Moravka Obecni urad
Municipal office. The village of Malá Morávka and its local part Karlov pod Pradědem offers many possibilities of recreational and sports activities. In winter there are extensive possibilities of skiing activities and in summer especially hiking and cycling. Malá Morávka is located in the Jeseníky Mountains at an altitude of about 660 m above ...
Obec Bykov-Larysov
The village of Býkov - Láryšov is situated in the northeastern part of the Krnovsko microregion about five kilometers from Krnov. It consists of two parts: Býkov and two kilometers distant Láryšov. Currently in the village on the cadastral 907, 5 hectares, which is bordered by the river Čížina and Hajnický brook, lives about sixty-six people. In ...
Obec Mala Stahle Obecni urad
The village of Malá Štáhle was founded around 1540 by Josef Pňovský in Sovinec - it therefore belonged to the Soviet estate. As a territorial self-governing unit, it was established on 1 April 2000 under Act No. 128/2000 Coll., On Municipalities. There is a public water supply and sewerage system including WWTP. There are about 150 permanent ...
Near the town of Bruntál we can find the picturesque village of Holčovice, which stretches north on the river Opavica. The village of Holčovice in the Moravian-Silesian Region lies in the foothills of Nízké Jeseník. Of interest, the Evangelical Church is a tourist attraction worth mentioning. The Zlatá Opavice recreation area is located in the ...

Obecni urad Dolni Moravice. Dolní Moravice is one of the highest municipalities in the Bruntál district with an altitude of 600 - 827 m. and belongs to the protected landscape area Jeseníky. The village lies on the line from Rýmařov to Malá Morávka and Karlová Studánka. More than 400 inhabitants live here. There is a school and kindergarten. ...

Horní Benešov Municipal Office. Horní Benešov was founded as a mining town in 1253, ores containing silver, gold, lead, zinc and iron were mined here. The silver mines in Benešov were among the oldest in the country. In the second half of the 15th century, 22 ore smelters were in operation, located on the Benešovský outskirts.

The municipality of Horní Město is located in the district of Bruntál in the Moravian-Silesian region and is the highest village in the Rýmařovsk region. The municipality of Horní Město includes 4 local districts: Dobřečov, Skály, Stříbrné Hory and Rešov. 840 inhabitants currently live here. In the village there is a primary school with ...

Municipal office Oborná. Very little is known about the history of the village of Oborná. It is first mentioned in 1405, when the Krnov princes Jan II. and Mikuláš Přemyslovci divided Bruntál and the surrounding settlements. The name of the village, in the given document Spillenberg, later Spillendorf, originally meant a watchtower, a guard post, ...

Světlá Hora lies northwest of the town of Bruntál. The village is located at the eastern edge of the protected landscape area Jeseníky. Černý potok flows through the village. The wooded slopes of the hills rise around the village. Světlá hora is also a holiday village, there are several guesthouses. In the northern part of the village is a farm ...

Razová Municipal Office. The first surviving written records of Razová are from 1288. During the Hussite wars and the campaign of Matthias Corvinus' troops against the Polish King Casimir, the village was probably burned and remained in ruins. Until 1531, when a new settlement took place, the village was called Radsoff. According to the ...

Near the town of Bruntál we find the picturesque village of Bílčice, which stretches 4 km from the Slezská Harta dam. The village of Bílčice in the Moravian-Silesian Region is a medium-sized agricultural village on the right bank of the Moravice. Of interest, it is certainly worth mentioning that the Harta cycle path runs through the village. The ...

The village of Dětřichov nad Bystřicí is located in the Moravian-Silesian Region in the Bruntál District. The first written mention of the village dates from 1317. The history of the village dates back to approximately 1317–1318 as a feudal village under the administration of Bishop Bruno of Schauenburg, Olomouc, advisor to the Czech King ...

The village of Václavov u Bruntál is located in the Moravian-Silesian region in the district of Bruntál. Václavov is located at an altitude of 585 m above sea level and its area is 2579 hectares. The village of Václavov u Bruntál was created in 1950 by the merger of two previously separate villages - Dolní Velkrub and Horní Velkrub, ...

The town of Bruntál with its historic core, which is a monument zone, is located in the Moravian-Silesian Region in Nízké Jeseník. The development of Bruntál itself is located in Silesia. in Moravia lies almost the entire cadastral territory of Karlovec and the southern edge of the cadastral territory of Bruntál. Currently, approx. 16 thousand ...

The village of Ryžoviště is located in the district of Bruntál in the Moravian-Silesian region. It is located about 20 km from Bruntál and 10 km from the town of Rýmařov. It lies at an altitude of 614 m and is part of the Rýmařov region in the northern foothills of Nízké Jeseník. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1317 and ...

Brantice village is located southwest of Krnov, which is immediately adjacent. The Brantice Highlands, which fall into the mountains of Nízký Jeseník, stretch across Brantice. The first mention of the village is from 1222, when Margrave Vladislav Henry donated the village to Chamberlain Bernhard. During the division of the Principality of Opava ...

The town of Andělská Hora belongs to the protected landscape area of the Jeseníky Mountains and is a popular place for tourists, whether in summer or in winter. It is only a few kilometers away from Praděd, the highest peak of Hrubý Jeseník. Municipal office - services: - Czech Point services. Tourist attractions: - city minimuseum - ...

The town of Albrechtice is located in the district of Bruntál, about 13 kilometers northwest of Krnov. It is located on the edge of the fertile Polish lowlands and opens the entrance to the Osoblažské promontory. The first surviving written mention dates from 1377, another important event dates back to 1563, when our town was awarded the coat of ...

Karlova Studánka Municipal Office. Karlova Studánka is the highest village in the Bruntál district (800 m above sea level). It is the gateway to the second highest peak in the Czech Republic - Praděd (1492 m above sea level). In these places there are also the most attractive nature trails, hiking and skiing trails in Hrubý Jeseník. The priority ...

The village of Osoblaha is located in the district of Bruntál near the border with Poland and is part of the Silesian Lowlands. The territory of the village consists mostly of agricultural land, meadows, forests, pastures and a smaller part of built-up or industrial area. The village has an area of 2579 ha and now has 1084 inhabitants. The first ...