The functions of city and municipal authorities are irreplaceable. Care about the order of the whole community, through the officials, the police, firefighters, associations and other components of the office. The most important information related to the village you can find just the relevant authority.

Municipal office. 2054 inhabitants live in the territory. 5 affiliated municipalities belong to Stará Paca: - Bro - Karlov - Krsmol - Roškopov - Estuary at Stará Paka. Office hours of the Municipal Office: Monday, Wednesday 7, 00 - 17, 00 hours Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7, 00 - 14, 30 hours

The village of Soběraz is located in the Hradec Králové region and is located less than 6 km northeast of the town of Jičín on the border of two attractive tourist areas: the Bohemian Paradise and the Giant Mountains. The fastest way to get to Soběraz is by turning off the Jičín - Lomnice nad Popelkou road between Valdice and Železníca. There ...

Municipal office. The first written report dates from 1369. is located at an altitude of 424 meters. 268 inhabitants live on the territory. A small church from the 16th century is a monument sought after and visited by tourists not only from the country.

Municipal office. Population: 244. Area of the village: 908.04 ha. Authority of the municipality: civil - Vysoké Veselí, registry - Vysoké Veselí, financial - Jičín, cadastral - Jičín, land - Jičín, customs - Jičín, district court - Jičín, military administration - Jičín.

Municipal office. The first written report dates from 1436. The village is located at an altitude of 274 meters.

Municipal office. The first written report dates from 1387. The village is located at an altitude of 261 meters. 365 inhabitants live on the territory.

Municipal office. The first written report dates back to 1213. The village is located at an altitude of 297 meters. 1078 inhabitants live in the area.