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Obec Stare Sedliste
The village of Staré Sedliště is located in the district of Tachov in the Pilsen region. Currently, approx. 1200 inhabitants. The village of Staré Sedliště also includes parts of Labuť, Mchov, Nové Sedliště, Úšava. In 2019, the village of Staré Sedliště received an award in the Village of the Year competition. The first written mention of the ...
The village of Zadní Chodov is a large, originally Chod village founded by the road from Chodová Planá to the Palatinate Mähring. It was first mentioned in 1365, when it was annexed to the Chodovoplán estate. In 1555 it is already mentioned in the land register of the Tachov estate. Residents did not have to pay tax levies, but from time ...

The village of Kbelany is located in the district of Pilsen-sever approx. 18 km west of Pilsen. The first historically documented mention of the village of Kbelany dates back to 1239. Currently, Kbelany has 112 permanent residents, on weekends the village becomes a place of recreation and rest for cottagers. There is a shop, an inn, and there are ...

The village of Hošťka is located in the district of Tachov, in a quiet and picturesque environment of the Bohemian Forest. The village consists of two parts, Hošťka and Žebráky. Part of the village is also the cadastral territory of the defunct village Pořejov. The village is surrounded by forests and meadows, away from heavy traffic to the border ...

The village of Chodský Újezd is located about 8 km west of the district town of Tachov. It is located at an altitude of 556 m in the Bohemian Forest and its area is 6478 hectares. The village also includes the local parts of Chodský Újezd, Horní and Dolní Jadruž, Nahý Újezdec, Neblažov, Štokov and Žďár. The first written mention of the village ...

The village of Rozvadov is located in the district of Tachov in the Pilsen region and is made up of parts of the village - Diana, Milíře, Nové Domky, Rozcestí and Svatá Kateřina. Currently, 781 inhabitants live here. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1581, and its original German inhabitants were displaced after the Second ...

The town of Bor is located in the Pilsen Region about fourteen kilometers southeast of Tachov. 21 settlements belong to the city, and without the settlements, the city of Bor has almost 2,600 inhabitants. In total, including the inhabitants of the settlements, it is 4,500 inhabitants. The first written mention of Bor comes from 1263. Equipment ...

The town of Přimda Přimda is located in the district of Tachov in the Pilsen region, and its main part is situated in a saddle at an altitude of 700 m. Currently, approx. 1600 inhabitants. The first written mention of Přímda is from 1126. At the end of the Second World War, in April 1945, a large part of the historic center was damaged by fire ...

The village of Brod nad Tichou is named after the crossing of the Tichá river or Hamerský potok at the important north-south road Planá – Bor. The most visible and landmark around Brod nad Tichou is the dominant feature of the village, the church of St. Jakub The Pod Kaštany inn is open in the village. The building also includes a cultural ...

Planá is located in the district of Tachov and lies on the border of the Bohemian Forest, Slavkov Forest and Tepelská Highlands. Local parts are Křínov, Kříženec, Caltov, Otín, Pavlovice, Josefova Huť, Slopes, Týnec, Vížka, Vysoké Sedliste, Dolní Sedliste, Zliv, Bouda, Hrotek and Rešanov. Currently, 5 430 inhabitants live in our town. The ...

The village of Lom u Tachova is located in the district of Tachov in the Pilsen Region. It is located at an altitude of 500 m above sea level and covers an area of 843 hectares. The first written mention of the village dates from 1379. At present, Lom u Tachova has 456 inhabitants. Village equipment: - municipal office - Kindergarten - House ...

The village of Částkov is located in the district of Tachov in the Plzeň Region. The village has an area of 1186 ha and is situated at an altitude of 503 m. The first written mention of the village dates from 1272. At present, our village has 364 inhabitants. Municipal facilities: - municipal office - grocery - football field (Maršovy ...