State and local government can solve your problems and issues in the field of safety, environment, finance, statistics, construction and management of roads, heritage matters, or also in the areas of energy, food, school and business inspections.

Municipality of Sumperk. Phone contacts:  -information, tel.:583388401  - mayor's office, tel.:583388503  - mayor, tel.:583388504  -office of the first deputy mayor, tel.:583388556,  -1. Deputy Mayor, tel.:583388505,  -Office of the second deputy mayor, tel.:583388506,  -2. Deputy Mayor, tel.:583388507,  -Secretariat of the Secretary, ...

The village lies in a gently undulating landscape at the southern tip of the Mohelnice furrow along a stream of an unnamed name flowing from the left side into the Morava River.  The place where the village is now located, the fertile floodplain of the Morava River, has been inhabited since prehistoric times due to its location. On the right ...

Rovensko has a name after the noun plain. The municipal seal of Rovenska shows a crayfish. The cadastral area of Rovenska with an area of 750 hectares corresponds only partially with the name of the village, because in its plane lies only its eastern part, while in the west the terrain already descends into the hills of the Zábřežská (Drozdovská) ...

Obecní úřad Postřelmůvek. Postřelmůvek is a village and municipality (obec) in Šumperk District in the Olomouc Region of the Czech Republic. As of August 28, 2006, 339 people lived here. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1365. He says that Postřelmůvek belongs to the Olomouc Chapter. The following cultural monuments ...

The history of Usov is associated with the castle and the first credible report about it dates back to 1260. The town stretches at an average altitude of 280 m in the valley of the brook below the castle on a hill that rises from the former castle below a steep slope to the east. undulating plane of Mohelnice furrow. Usov chateau is visible from a ...

Obec Bušín      The village is a residence with a long history, mention of it is from 1490. The name of the village (German Buschin) is derived from a personal name, probably from Bus, Bus or Bus. The sign is a perpendicularly built blade, which is accompanied by seven stars on the sides. The village lies predominantly at an altitude of about ...

Dolní Studénky village. Dolní Studénky is first mentioned in written sources in 1353. However, man settled on fertile soils in the Desná valley much earlier. One of the villages founded at that time is Dolní Studénky. In the oldest records of the Earth's records, however, the name is not Studénky, but "Studenka". The name was probably given ...

The first written mention of Bratrušov dates back to 1371 and is the will of the Moravian margrave John Henry (brother of Charles IV), who bequeathed to his son Prokop several villages, including Bratrušov. Both the Czech name and the German name Brattersdorf are derived from the Czech personal name Bratruš and it means “Bratruš's Village”. ...

Bohdíkov is a village and municipality (obec) in Šumperk District in the Olomouc Region. Most of Bohdíkov lies in the valley of the Morava River, or on gentle slopes in the surroundings. The village is situated at an altitude of 348 meters above sea level and has an area of 2622 ha. Bohdíkov consists of four cadastral areas - Dolní Bohdíkov, ...

Providing services in the field of real estate cadastre administration.

The town of Zábřeh. The settlement of Zábřeh was established on the left bank of the Moravská Sázava River, whose main function was probably to protect the ford across the river. The first mention of Zábřeh is on the deed of the Brno Land Assembly from 1254. In 1278, Zábřeh was already a town. Until the beginning of the 17th century, the ...

Territorial workplace of the Customs Office for the Olomouc Region Customs procedure in Šumperk: 585 111 130, 724 434 408 Odd. SPD in Šumperk: 585 111 131, 724 434 508 Customs area of the Territorial Office in Šumperk: Vikýřovická 1806 (premises of FAST Integration, s.r.o.)

Lukavice Municipal Office. Lukavice village is located in the district of Sumperk, Olomouc region. The first written mention of the village comes from 1273. Sights: - the following cultural monuments are registered in the cadastre of the municipality: Reconciliation Cross (on the square in front of No. 30) - a monument from the ...

The village of Velké Losiny can be found in the Olomouc Region in the district of Šumperk. It lies in the foothills of the Hrubý Jeseník in the valley of the river Losinka. It is one of the oldest municipalities in the district. The first mention of Velké Losiny dates back to 1296. The village also includes Bukovice, Maršíkov and Žárová. The ...

The village of Lesnice is located about 5 km east of the town of Zábřeh in the district of Šumperk in the Olomouc Region. The cadastre of the village has an area of 733 ha and 653 inhabitants live here. The first written mention of our village comes from 1348. The life of the village was significantly affected by the floods that affected Lesnice ...

The village of Brníčko and the local part of Strupšín are located in the Olomouc Region in the valley of the Loučský brook 9 km south of Šumperk. In 1976, the formerly independent Strupšín was annexed to Brníček as its local part. The inhabited parts of Brníček are located at an altitude of about 300 m in the hilly terrain of the Úsovská Highlands ...

The village of Libina Libina with its parts of the village Horní Libina, Dolní Libina and Obědné is the lowest and at the same time the largest village in the Šumperk region. The village is 8 km long, stretches through a shallow depression at the foot of the Jeseníky Mountains and in the lower part passes into the Upper Moravian gorge. The ...

Písařov is a village located by the state road I / 11 between Šumperk and Červená Voda. The village consists of two parts - Písařov itself and the settlement of Bukovice. Forests predominate in the Písař cadastre, arable land in Bukovský. The altitude ranges from 500 m above sea level. at Kocanda up to 700 m above sea level. at the highest house ...