Need help with finding a job or registering a property? Visit the appropriate office, where you help the. Urban and municipal authorities, building authorities, cadastral offices, registry offices, labour offices, collection agencies and financial authorities fall within the public administration.

Services: -Cadastral Office - extract from the real estate cadastre.

School inspection. School Inspectorate No. 2 for districts Benešov, Beroun, Kladno, Prague-west, Příbram, Rakovník. Regional workplaces in Central Bohemia: - Prague-east, Fráni Šrámka 37, 15021 Prague 5 tel. 251023239 chief school inspector tel. 251023234 secretariat -districts Benešov, Beroun, Kladno, Prague-west, Příbram, ...

Employment Department. Detached workplace Rožmitál pod Třemšínem.

Employment Department. Detached workplace Březnice.

Employment Department. Detached workplace Březnice.

Employment Department. Detached workplace Dobříš.