Need help with finding a job or registering a property? Visit the appropriate office, where you help the. Urban and municipal authorities, building authorities, cadastral offices, registry offices, labour offices, collection agencies and financial authorities fall within the public administration.

Police of the Czech Republic. District department of Jablonná in Podještědí.

Police of the Czech Republic. District department Ruprechtice.

Police of the Czech Republic. District department of Hejnice.

Branch of services for weapons and security material Traffic Inspectorate phone: 974 271 255

Police of the Czech Republic. Territorial scope: - Bordovice, Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, Lichnov, Tichá, Trojanovice, Veřovice.

Police of the Czech Republic. Veká Polom district department.

Transport Inspectorate: 974475259 Weapons Record: 974475300 Regional Department of the Police of the Czech Republic Semily, 61 28 Ojjna, phone: 974 475 650 Regional Department of the Police of the Czech Republic Lommnice nad Cinderella, Husovo nám. 36, phone: 974 475 701

Police of the Czech Republic. District department of Nová Paka.