State and local government can solve your problems and issues in the field of safety, environment, finance, statistics, construction and management of roads, heritage matters, or also in the areas of energy, food, school and business inspections.

Obec Vstis obecni urad
The village of Vstiš is located in the Plzeň Region in the Plzeň - jih district. The first written mention of the village dates from 1243. The original historical part of the village was founded 200 meters from the right bank of the river Radbuza on a slight hill outside the floodplain of the river. The village is located 14 km from the outskirts ...
Obec Mily obecni urad
The village of Milý is located in the Rakovník district on the north-eastern edge of Džbán in the deep valley of the Hřešický brook. It is located at an altitude of 350 m above sea level and its area is 8.7 km2. Milý was established during the reign of King George of Poděbrady and the first written record of the village dates from 1381. The ...
Obec Nemcicky
The village of Němčičky is located in the district of Břeclav in the South Moravian Region and the Němčický stream flows through it. Němčičky is a village with a rich wine history, as it is located in the Velkopavlovice wine sub-region. The importance of this branch is proved by the first mention of the village from 1349. The first historically ...
Mestys Kremze
The town of Křemže is located in the South Bohemian Region in the district of Český Krumlov. It is located in a wide valley between the Blanský Forest and the Haberské Mountains on the left bank of the Křemžský brook. The village has an area of 2685 ha and lies at an altitude of 521 m above sea level. The first written mention of Křemže comes from ...
Obec Troubky-Zdislavice
The village of Troubky-Zdislavice lies about 14 km southwest of Kroměříž in a hilly terrain on the edge of the Litenčická uplands, which lies between Slavkov and Kroměříž. The common cadastral area of municipalities is around 1060 hectares. The first mention of both villages first appeared in 1349, when the first written mention of Zdislavice in ...
Mesto Breznice
The town of Březnice is located in the district of Příbram in the Central Bohemian Region in the middle of beautiful nature, where the unity of the landscape and history has been preserved in rare harmony. The first written mention of the village dates from 1224. The town has been since 1327, in 1575 it was promoted to a town. At present, Březnice ...
Obec Lesany
The village of Lešany is located in the Central Bohemian Region in the Benešov district. It covers an area of 1449 hectares and is located at an altitude of 318 m above sea level. The first mention of Lešany comes from approximately 1185, but the first real written document is a deed of gift from the 13th century by Bedřich Lesany. In Lešany, a ...
Obec Zloncice
Zlončice is located in the Central Bohemian Region, four kilometers east of the town of Kralupy nad Vltavou and seventeen kilometers southwest of Mělník. The village consists of two parts Zlončice and Dolánky. In our village there is a protected landscape zone Zlončická rokle, which is a part of Nature Park Dolní Povltaví. Rare plants grow here ...
Ceska geologicka sluzba
The performance of the state geological service in the Czech Republic is held by the Czech Geological Survey, whose history dates back to 1919. The Czech Geological Survey collects and processes data on the geological composition of the state territory and transmits them to administrative bodies for political, economic and environmental decisions. ...
Obec Lhota
The village of Lhota is located on the foothills of the Vizovice Hills, near the regional town of Zlín. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1362, in 1980 Lhota became part of Zlín, then Gottwaldov and regained its independence in 1990. At present, 853 inhabitants live here. Village facilities:  - municipal office, Czech ...
Mestys Brodek u Prostejova
The town of Brodek near Prostějov with the settlement of Sněhotice lies in the southern part of the district of Prostějov on the border of the fertile Haná and the foothills of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands. It is located at an altitude of 260 m above sea level and the first written mention of the village dates back to 1278. At present, Brodek ...
Obec Velka Bukova
The village of Velká Buková is located in the Rakovník district in the Central Bohemian Region in the heart of the Křivoklát forests. It is located at an altitude of 435 m above sea level and its area is 1353 hectares. The village consists of three parts: Velká Buková, Malá Buková and Kalubice. The first written mention of the village dates from ...
Mestys Zinkovy
Žinkovy township is located in the Pilsen Region in the Pilsen-South district, less than 7 km west of Nepomuk. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1177. At that time ruled Oldřich of Žinkov, the ancestor of the Lords of Potštejn, ruling at Potštejn until the 15th century. The township Žinkovy also includes the villages Březí, ...
Mestys Stara Rise
The small town Stará Říše is located in the Jihlava District in the Vysočina Region. The local parts are the Nepomuk and the Old Empire, flows through the township Vápovka brook, there are also ponds Kladina, middle pond and mill pond. An important figure of the Old Empire was the thinker, translator and publisher Josef Florian, who led the ...
Obec Rybniste
Rybniště lies in a wide saddle between Plešivec and Široký vrch. The population is 727. The nearest towns are Chribska, Krasna Lipa, Rumburk and Varnsdorf. The area of the village is 12, 715 km2. Altitude 460m. The first written record dates from 1480.   In the village there is a pond Školní, which can be used for swimming and ...
Mesto Cvikov
Cvikov is located in the district of Česká Lípa in the southern part of the inner edge of the Lusatian Mountains at an altitude of 357 meters. The town itself, including the local districts, has approximately 4,500 inhabitants and the total area administered by the municipal authority is approximately 7,000. The districts of Drnovec, ...
Mesto Velky Senov
At present, there are nearly 1935 permanent residents in Velký Šenov. For tourists and athletes is prepared interesting activities in the football club SK Velky Senov, was built two football pitches - grass and cinder, among tennis players on high quality tennis courts you will also like or visit the table tennis players. Cycling routes link ...
Mesto Krupka
Town Krupka - Krupka Municipal Office. Execution of self-government according to the Act on Municipal Establishment, Act no. No. 128/2008 Coll. as amended. Exercise of state administration within the scope of delegated powers.
Obec Vsen
The village of Všeň lies between the towns of Turnov and Mnichovo Hradiště. It is located on a hill above the wide valley of the river Jizera. The village consists of local parts: Všeň, Ploukonice, Mokrý, Dvůr Borčice. Sights: - typical rural development of houses, cottages and farms - timbered "hunting lodge" - church - church ...
Obec Kolsov
The village of Kolšov is located about 8 km from the town of Zábřeh in the Šumperk district of the Olomouc region and is a member of the association of municipalities of the Zábřežsko microregion. Currently, approx. 720 inhabitants. The first report on the village of Kolšov dates back to 1356. In 1883, a public school was established here, and ...
Obec Przno
The village of Pržno lies in the Beskydy foothills. It originated on the floodplain of the Ostravice River, as a colonic-type rope village. It was probably before 1573, when the first written mention of it was during the sale of the Frýdek estate, which the Silesian prince Václav sold to Matyáš and Jiří of Lohov. The village lies on the right ...
Obec Kuncice
The village of Kunčice is located in the district of Hradec Králové, 2 km south of the town of Nechanice. There is a nice landscape and six ponds around the village. Currently, 331 inhabitants live in our village. Thanks to subsidies, the local chateau Betlachův statek, where the Leisure Center was established, was reconstructed. We have set up a ...
Obec Svatoslav
Svatoslav village is located in the northwestern tip of the South Moravian Region on the border with the Vysočina Region in the district of Brno - countryside. The whole cadastre of the village lies in the nature park "Bílý potok". The first written mention of the village comes from 1240. The current population in Svatoslav is 442. Cultural ...
Obec Strycice
The village of Strýčice in the district of České Budějovice is a small village that offers leisure and cross-country leisure activities. The U Brašničků Hospitality, which dates back to the time of the First Republic, represents several generations of tradition. Visit the museum established in 1986 in the basement of the local school and find ...