State and local government can solve your problems and issues in the field of safety, environment, finance, statistics, construction and management of roads, heritage matters, or also in the areas of energy, food, school and business inspections.

The village of Nová Ves is located in the district of Liberec and stretches through the Jeřice valley between Chrastava and Mníšek in the foothills of the Jizera Mountains. The village was established as a forest rope village, probably by gradual settlement along the Jeřice river. The first written mention of it is from 1464, when it is called ...

The village of Horní Habartice is located in the Bohemian Central Mountains in the valley of the Bystrá river in the Děčín district. It is located at an altitude of 255 m above sea level and its area is 727 hectares. The first written mention of the village dates from 1281. At present, Horní Habartice has 405 inhabitants. Municipal ...

The picturesque spa town of Luhačovice can be found in the Zlín Region near the regional town of Zlín. The town is located in the valley of the river Šťávnice and is surrounded by beautiful forests. Luhačovice is the largest Moravian spa and the fourth largest in the Czech Republic, it mainly treats diseases of the respiratory and digestive system ...

The village of Pomezí is located in the Pardubice region, close to Polička. The first written mention of our village dates from 1265, now there live about 1,200 inhabitants. Municipal office, services: - Czech POINT - office hours: Monday, Wednesday 7: 30-12: 00, 13: 00-17: 00. Village facilities: - kindergarten and primary school - ...

Dolní Studénky village. Dolní Studénky is first mentioned in written sources in 1353. However, man settled on fertile soils in the Desná valley much earlier. One of the villages founded at that time is Dolní Studénky. In the oldest records of the Earth's records, however, the name is not Studénky, but "Studenka". The name was probably given ...

Municipal office. Population 1929. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1255. Culture and services: -registry office -post -Voluntary Firefighter Unit -public library -cultural and sports facilities -MŠ, ZŠ. Sports area, football, bowling, florba, bike. Spolky: -Firefighters, fishermen, hunters, breeders, KLAS, ...

The first written mention of Bratrušov dates back to 1371 and is the will of the Moravian margrave John Henry (brother of Charles IV), who bequeathed to his son Prokop several villages, including Bratrušov. Both the Czech name and the German name Brattersdorf are derived from the Czech personal name Bratruš and it means “Bratruš's Village”. ...

The village of Stříbrná was established on the basis of the Act on Municipalities No. 128/2000 Coll., As amended. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1601. It is led by the mayor, who is elected by the municipal council from among himself. The deputy mayor is similarly elected. Other bodies of the municipality are the ...

The town of Albrechtice is located in the district of Bruntál, about 13 kilometers northwest of Krnov. It is located on the edge of the fertile Polish lowlands and opens the entrance to the Osoblažské promontory. The first surviving written mention dates from 1377, another important event dates back to 1563, when our town was awarded the coat of ...

The village of Povrly is located in the valley of the river Elbe near the regional town of Ústí nad Labem on the route of the railway corridor Děčín - Břeclav. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1186. At present, there live 2,219 inhabitants. Village facilities: - municipal office - primary, kindergarten - mail - ...

The town of Písek is located in the South Bohemian Region, about 44 km northwest of České Budějovice. The town of Písek is often called a historic town, located on the river Otava, which boasts the oldest preserved bridge in the Czech Republic, but also modern architecture. The history of the town dates back to prehistory and the Middle Ages, in ...

The town of Příbor is one of the oldest towns in northeastern Moravia. It is located on both banks of the Lubina River in the Nový Jičín district. The town is lined on three sides by the beautiful scenery of the Beskydy foothills with a view of the Štramberk trumpet, Hukvaldy and Radhošt. Cutlery was Frank of Hückeswagen in 1251 as a settlement ...

The village of Bdín lies 7, 5 km northwest of Nové Strašecí in the Central Bohemian Region. The picturesque village is located in Rakovník Podlesí on the border of the Rakovník and Kladno districts. Bakovský brook flows through the village. Currently, 61 people live here. The first written mention dates back to 1318. The name of the village Bdín ...

The town of Trutnov can be found in the foothills of the Krkonoše Mountains on the river Úpa in the Hradec Králové Region. The first written mention of the town can be found in 1260, when the original Slavic settlement was renamed Úpa. Trutnov used to be the dowry town of Czech queens and during its history it was known for its textile and later ...

The current form of the village, gradually. First in 1960, Bžany and Hradiště were joined by municipalities: Bukovice, Mošnov, Lhenice. In 1980, based on integration, the municipalities were joined: Lysec, Lbín, Pytlíkov. Bžany is the oldest part of the village.