State and local government can solve your problems and issues in the field of safety, environment, finance, statistics, construction and management of roads, heritage matters, or also in the areas of energy, food, school and business inspections.

Directorate of Roads and Highways of the Czech Republic. Administration of Olomouc.

Directorate of Roads and Motorways of the Czech Republic, Brno plant.

Branch: Construction, maintenance: - transportation construction - road, highway, communication.

Directorate of Roads and Highways of the Czech Republic.

Directorate of Roads and Motorways. Investment and management of all highways, expressways and Class I roads in the Czech Republic.

The state administration body in the section of compliance control: - safety and health regulations at work - norms of labor relations and working conditions.

Labor Inspectorate - established on the basis of Act No. 251/2005 Coll.

Regional labor inspectorate for Moravian-Silesian Region and Olomouc Region based in Ostrava. The state administration body in the control section compliance: - safety and health regulations while working -norms of labor relations and work conditions.

Regional Labor Safety Inspectorate for the South Moravian and Zlín Regions with headquarters in Brno: - protection of labor relations and working conditions. Safety.

Union of municipalities - development of cities and municipalities in the region

Dislocated workplace. Labor Office (ÚP): - employment mediation - record of vacancies -payment of material security benefits -retraining.

The archive carries out activities related to the control of the performance of the file service.