Město Kroměříž

Město Kroměříž

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers. Diving courses.

Association of Parents and Friends of Blind and Visually Impaired Children in the Czech Republic

Association FOR helping children and young people with an acquired handicap

The association supports the development of market liberalization and competitiveness, presents fixed network operators in negotiations with the administration and the regulator, participates in the preparation of regulatory and legislative rules for the telecommunications market.

Association - support of cultural life and art in Prague

Civic Association - Christian association of young people

An association focused on supporting a harmonious life in functional families with the aim of preventing psychological, social or economic crises

Organization of sports and recreational flying, operation of administrative activities of the association.

Civic Association - help and support to people across generations who are at risk of social exclusion

Association providing leisure activities and services FOR children with specific learning and behavior disorders

Civic Association - supporting the study and awareness of law, legal systems and legal history

Protecting the lives, health and property of residents during fires and providing effective assistance during emergencies. Section of IZS and operational management

Association of manufacturers of equipment for nuclear energy.

Submitting and verifying requests for an extract from the criminal record. Procedure for submitting and verifying requests for an extract from the criminal record: (for natural persons according to Act No. 269/1994 Coll., on the Criminal Register, as amended) Submission of applications: An application for an extract from the criminal ...

Organization of children's camps. Leisure events for children.

Czech Committee for Unicef. UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) is the main global organization that deals with protecting and improving the living conditions of children and supporting their all-round development.

Territorial workplace Prague-west The office administers taxes, levies, advances on these revenues, administers subsidies, imposes fines, collects and recovers levies, fees, payments, fines and penalties.