Město Kroměříž

Město Kroměříž

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

- - an association creating conditions for optimal development of fellow citizens with autism, their education and integration into society

Terrorist society organization - meeting of herpetologists and terrarists

Association - support and development of non-commercial cultural and civic activities in the Czech Republic

Ensuring the administration of geodetic foundations of the Czech Republic.

Protection of consumer interests, support of economic competition in energy sectors.

Civic Association - comprehensive assistance to women - victims of domestic violence.

OPIM o.s. - Organization to support the integration of minorities The mission of OPIM o.s. is to spread awareness of human rights and help Czech citizens and minorities living in the Czech Republic to learn about their rights and to be able to exercise them through educational and informational programs and social activities. We offer human ...

The mission of KAM in the Czech Republic is to support the development of domestic and cross-border tourism. This is also where our income from all activities flows. The main target groups are families with children, active tourists and seniors. Our magazines are, thanks to their high circulation and dense network of distribution points ...

Association of volunteer rescuers and owners of all-terrain off-road vehicles

Personnel agency services Support - beginning visual artists and artists of national minorities in the Czech Republic Sale - pictures Support - beginning visual artists and artists of national minorities in the Czech Republic.

State administration in the field of hallmarking and testing of precious metals and carrying out hallmark inspections of goods made of precious metals

Běchovice is one of the 57 city districts of the capital. city of Prague. They are administered by local government and state administration bodies - the mayor of the municipal district, the municipal district representative office and the Prague-Běchovice municipal district office. Currently, Běchovice has approximately 3,604 ...

We are a slightly opportunistic fund, so we buy "anything" depending on the price. When investing, we mainly consider the following land parameters, such as acreage, tenancy relations, consolidation rate, land improvements, land accessibility, BPEJ, distance from the border of Germany and Austria, type (arable vs. grass), proportion of subsidized ...

International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers. Diving courses.