Providers of protected jobs offers jobs to disabled people. Choose from sheltered workshops in areas such as gastronomy, the automotive industry, promotion and advertising or other. Support a good cause and save on contributions.

The mission of Klíč is to provide people with mental disabilities, or combined with physical or sensory disabilities, autism spectrum disorders and stabilized mental illness (according to the type of service provided) individual support and assistance in the development or maintenance of knowledge, abilities and skills enabling personal ...

Associating people and diseases Marfan Syndrome. Repairs of antique and contemporary clocks in our protected workshop.

Public benefit company TyfloCentrum Olomouc, o.p.s. - Social firm ERGONES focuses on providing social services for the visually impaired. We employ people with disabilities and offer a range of services such as the sale of compensatory aids for the visually impaired, printing promotional items, the production of ceramic souvenirs, cleaning ...