Want to keep track of current events, or to create a media image in the sector? If yes, professional associations and the association are tailor-made for you. Such organisations are for example the Czech medical chamber, a Professional guild of tilers or Association of hotels and restaurants.

The South Moravian Center for international mobility is focused on supporting gifted students and human resources FOR science with operations in the South Moravian region.

Professional organization for manufacturers and distributors of feed, feed supplements and additives.

Civic Association - support of the children's clinic of the University Hospital in Hradec Králové in the form of organizing cultural and social events Organizing - cultural and social events

Information center for your business and entrepreneurship (laws, taxes, finance, state administration)

Services for disabled citizens: -barrier-free transport - transport to doctors, hospitals, offices, cultural events.

The association focuses on supporting patients with Parkinson's disease and their loved ones.

Association, national branch of the pan-European organization Eurachem - participation in the Czech Republic in systemic measures leading to ensuring the quality of the results of chemical analyses, educational activities in this field and intensifying the transfer of information from developed countries

Independent creative association - an association that realizes artistic projects, shelters people with artistic intentions and supports their artistic creation

Czech Institute of Information Security Managers. ČIMIB is a professional association that aims to bring together experts in the field of information security

Organization organizing seminars to support new knowledge in the field of security issues.

Firemen's Association of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia