Want to keep track of current events, or to create a media image in the sector? If yes, professional associations and the association are tailor-made for you. Such organisations are for example the Czech medical chamber, a Professional guild of tilers or Association of hotels and restaurants.

The Archaeological Center carries out advance and rescue archaeological research, records and documents archaeological events, finds and sites, and technically and professionally processes archaeological finds.

LAG Hranicko is an association that brings together active representatives of entrepreneurs, farmers, interest groups and municipalities, as well as individuals. It operates on the so-called LEADER principles, which allows it to obtain EU and state budget funds for its own projects and grant programs. These are based on the premise that local ...

Czech-Moravian hunting unit. Support for the development of hunting and nature protection.

The Zlín Regional Association Sport for All is a subsidiary of the Czech Association with nationwide operations. It carries out its activities mainly in the Zlín Region, organizes sports activities for athletes of all ages from the youngest children, practicing with parents through preschoolers, younger and older pupils, adolescents, men, women ...

Protecting the life, health and property of the population from fires and providing effective emergency assistance. Education of children and youth in fire protection and protection of the population.

Czech-Moravian hunting unit. Support for the development of hunting and nature protection. district hunting association Šumperk

District Association of Physicians Sumperk.

The Bone Marrow Transplant Foundation supports: - voluntary donation of bone marrow and haematopoietic stem cells - programs to support patient clubs and patients after transplantation and cancer treatment - education in hematology, oncology and transplant medicine - instrumentation of transplant centers - medical research in the field of ...

Association of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers. Publishing house Firm catalogue from the field of: - air conditioning - refrigeration engineering, cooling. Activity content: - construction - design - assembly - repairs and service - tests - overhaul - expert activity - business/trade activities - production - ...

Medical associations and organizations - counseling, information, counseling for women who have a problem with alcohol abuse - support for women addicted to drugs

Legal advice center for citizens in socially burdensome situation: -free, discreet -crisis center -Social Security - labor and legal relations -housing -family relationships -civil legal relations - protection of basic human rights.

PRO-BIO The Association of Organic Farmers is the only nationwide association of organic farmers, processors and sellers of organic food. The PRO-BIO union promotes Czech agriculture not only in Šumperk and the Olomouc Region, but also throughout the Czech Republic. The promotion of organic foods, organic milk, organic stores and eco-farms is also ...

Burmese Center - provides information on current events in Burma - organizes cultural events and campaigns - assistance to Burmese refugees in the Czech Republic

Healthcare organization - helping people with multiple sclerosis

Association - Czech and Slovak companies dealing with experiential education

Civic Association - support for those infected and ill with Lyme disease, including their caregivers

The CZECH Chamber of Midwives is a professional organization of midwives, it defends their interests in all areas of activity.

An association of persons who deal with explosives or pyrotechnic elements during their activities.

Czech Red Cross. Services: - medical - life insurance - social - humanitarian.

Czech Medical Association. District Association of Doctors.

An association engaged in maintaining relations and contacts between former and current members