The opportunity to become members of the association supporting preventive health care, associations, parents, children, special educators, the association of property owners or the association for the promotion of environmental activities. To connect with the people who have the same interests and goals as you.

MAS PODBRDSKO, z.s. is a local action group based in Hvožďany, which brings together citizens, non-profit organizations, entrepreneurs and public authorities of municipalities with the aim of obtaining and effective redistribution of subsidies for rural development and improving the quality of life in the areas of Milínsko, Březnicko, Rožmitálsko ...

The Czech Fishermen's Association, z. S., The local organization Sedlčany, operates fisheries in the sense of the Fisheries Act, ie breeding, breeding, protection and catching of fish or aquatic organisms in fish farming or in the exercise of fishing rights. Operation of aquaculture, nature protection, water purity, environment, promotion of ...

Union of Municipalities of the Dobříš Region and the Novoknín Region.

Services for the non - profit sector. Counseling, education

Babysitting: -time from 9 am to 9 pm -after agreement and at another time -in the game room on the 2nd floor of the House of Culture -experienced camp leaders from the Valley of Newts take care of the children. It can be agreed in person Tue, Thu 9-17 or on the phone. We organize spring holidays: -for children 7-16 years -hotel-type ...

Klub kaktusářů Milín - about our activities, about cacti, cultivation. Photo gallery of cacti and other succulents.

Non-governmental, non-profit organization - citizen-action public/unincorporated association. The principal goal of the organization is practical field protection of free-living animals, particularly endangered species. Protection consists in monitoring and following protective measures: installation of nest boxes, artifical nesting sites, rescue ...

Services: -primary prevention of youth drug problems